Posts by: Ashley Gerwitz
The standard way to deploy bosh-lite is with vagrant up and it starts running on your machine using VirtualBox. You can also deploy bosh-lite to AWS with vagrant up –provider=aws (instructions). But what if you want to run bosh-lite on vSphere or GCP or Azure or SoftLayer or any other place for which you have
We have started to share our short training videos on Cloud Foundry, on BOSH, on Concourse CI, and a plethora of other topics. They will gradually appear at Click on the sidebar to grab an RSS feed so you never miss out or subscribe to the @starkandwayne twitter feed. Our own needs were to
The result of running bosh deploy might be unfortunately failing. The output will show which jobs (VMs) did not successfully run by the end of the timeout period. We can use the BOSH API to discover specifically which job template(s) are failing using trusty curl and jq: Setup environment variables: export bosh_target= export bosh_username=admin export
In the development and release of Dingo S3 we developed a Concourse CI pipeline for building, uploading and installing Pivotal tiles. In this blog post I wanted to share some of the tools and APIs that we used. This is useful for all PCF/Ops Manager admins who can create their own pipelines or CI jobs
Within Cloud Foundry 2016, with Diego support enabled and the latest cf CLI you can now run one-off tasks natively in your Cloud Foundry. For Ruby on Rails applications this means you can run database migrations or seed the database from your local computer very easily. Conceptually you would run either: cf ssh <appname> cf
GitHub Releases are a great resource for open source projects to expand on the simple git tag concept. You can add release notes in Markdown format, and you can upload finalized assets – such as compiled executables. As a user I had the question – how do I script "download the latest release, please?" For
BOSH makes a whole lot of tasks in the operations / systemsmanagement space way easier than ever before. Combine that with tools like Spruce and Genesis, and you have a really powerful paradigm for managing your deployments. Pair that with Concourse and it seems like the sky is the limit! Then you run into the
UPDATE from Apple has open sourced their Swift programming language and many developers like it a lot. Over time it may evolve a strong ecosystem for writing backend web applications. But how will you run them on Cloud Foundry? Introducing a buildpack for running Swift web applications: You can try out this buildpack
Often I find myself needing to repeatedly access a service that is password protected. A good example would be trying to curl an end point that is behind basic auth, another is dealing with projects that expect global variables with access credentials in them. There are armies of bots out there, scraping Github, just waiting