Posts by: Ashley Gerwitz
We have been big fans of CoreOS etcd since it first came out. A simple to use distributed key value store. Many of our own distributed systems built for customers have used etcd for coordination of components. Cloud Foundry itself has used Etcd for many years. Whilst there is a wonderfully maintained etcd release for
BOSH CLI The BOSH CLI is one of the most essential tools when developing and managing deployments in BOSH. A typical day involves someone saying "is Rabbit is down, can you look at it?" Of course they don’t tell me which environment or which rabbit version. So, here is my workflow to figure what is
High Availability (HA) is a common requirement. Unfortunately it is often the case that HA considerations need to be made from the ground up while designing a service. Sometimes a component of your service might be the best tool for your business case, but the nature of its business task or a trade off made
AWS Lambda came out in late 2014 solving "run code without thinking about servers". But since I’ve been deploying code to Cloud Foundry installations since 2012, I have not been thinking about servers for much longer than the birth of AWS Lambda. So I didn’t get excited about Lambda. It is proprietary. It only runs
The modern hero of shell scripts is jq. Pipe in JSON, find values, store back into variables or create new JSON and work with that. Unfortunately my data was in PostgreSQL, and the psql output is not JSON. But it would be awesome if it was. Just imagine the power of psql -c ‘SELECT somecolumn
You know when Spock does that thing on Star Trek and he just grabs the guy by the neck in the right place and blamo, he’s out cold? It’s called the Vulcan Nerve Pinch. The right move at the right time is all it takes to go from chaos to calm. Well we want to
We use YAML for configuration of many things – Concourse pipelines, BOSH deployments, Cloud Foundry applications, and more. And we continually want to be more secure with how we handle our secrets. Two tools can be used together to help: Hashicorp vault for storing secrets Geoff Franks spruce for merging vault secrets into YAML files.
When you need a stemcell for a release, you go to the page. While it’s clear which Operating System to choose from (Ubuntu or Cent OS) the next few decisions to make can become less clear as you sort through each of the additional options. In this article, we’ll help you understand what all
iTerm2 v3.0.0 came out and they made it easy to select a font size from a list; but I wanted a specific font size of 15pt for the Stark & Wayne Videos. In my hunt to learn how to change this setting I discovered the built-in OS X tools defaults and PlistBuddy. To explore the