Introducing training videos for Cloud Foundry and Concourse

We have started to share our short training videos on Cloud Foundry, on BOSH, on Concourse CI, and a plethora of other topics. They will gradually appear at Click on the sidebar to grab an RSS feed so you never miss out or subscribe to the @starkandwayne twitter feed.

Our own needs were to create 100s of training videos for our Stark & Wayne staff and customers, and yet we quickly got excited about sharing them with everyone in the Cloud Foundry and/or Concourse ecosystems.

Stark & Wayne is one of the longest running businesses in the world to use and advocate both Cloud Foundry/BOSH and the Concourse CI. We’ve written well over 100 blog posts on the topics over the years, and contributed dozens of open source projects as well as the core systems.

As our ecosystem grows it has become harder to answer the call for live training courses. So we’re hopeful that sharing 100s of 5 to 10 minute videos is the next best thing. Or better!

We hope you can join us on the path of learning and evangelising with us. Please share the videos with your coworkers and friends. That would be fantastic.

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