You can become a superhero of automation and development by learning and practicing. This is our blog from our learnings and practice.
We are consultants and trainers in Cloud Foundry, devops automation and continous delivery. We have the best jobs in the world helping you have the best job in the world.
As a trainer, contributor, fanboy, and consultant for BOSH it has been frustrating watching other sysadmins attempt to get started with BOSH – the project for release engineering, deployment, and lifecycle management of large-scale cloud software. Using BOSH can be fantastic – watching it boot up dozens of VMs, to have a fulling running production
What is the Health Monitor? The purpose of the Health Monitor (HM) is to monitor all existing apps and ensure that the appropriate number of instances are running. If there is a discrepancy, then the HM will either prompt the Cloud Controller to start new instances (if there are too few) or stop existing instances
Want to play with Cloud Foundry without using TryCF (requires AWS) or setting up a trial account with one of the PaaS providers out there (e.g. PWS)? Why not set it up on your own laptop? Getting Started The 411 on my laptop: 2012 Retina Macbook Pro 16 GB RAM 768 GB SSD 2.7 GHz
This is a quick "how to" for how Long found the information he needed to build the cf info plugin. Following a trail of breadcrumbs Determine the requirements: Print the currently targeted org and space Print the API version and endpoint Print the user id of the current user (similar to whoami in *nix OSes).
Cloud Foundry cli has recently added support for plugin. A piece of info I often forget is what org/space or even user for that fact that I’m logged in as. I created this simple plugin that output user info so it is easily visible. How to Install go get cf install-plugin $GOPATH/bin/info Usage cf
I will mostly be following the instructions from here, but instead of Ubuntu I am going to try CentOS. Getting Started All you will need to start, aside from the obvious internet connection, is a Digital Ocean account. I’ve found that the $5/mo. plan is really good for learning. Spin up your droplet This is
Ever just wanted to play around with Logsearch but did not have the time to figure out how to deploy it? Today I went though the troubles of creating deployment manifests and have shared them in the logsearch-boshworkspace. Preparation To get started you will need a running bosh-lite. Get yours by following the instructions here
bosh-lite is the best way to dev/test new BOSH releases or changes to community releases such as Cloud Foundry’s cf-release. But if your laptop doesn’t have 8G of RAM or you don’t already have all the stemcells (400M each) and releases (cf-release is now 3.5G) downloaded then you can spend half a day just getting
One of my goals of today was to figure out how to deploy WordPress to Cloud Foundry. I figured this was a pretty simple goal, but alas there is a trick to it. Note: I deployed the following to Pivotal Web Services. Set up your MySQL service instance. To use the PWS ClearDB (MySQL) free