You can become a superhero of automation and development by learning and practicing. This is our blog from our learnings and practice.
We are consultants and trainers in Cloud Foundry, devops automation and continous delivery. We have the best jobs in the world helping you have the best job in the world.
Doing an initial Cloud Foundry deployment can be hard, keeping it up to date with the weekly releases can be even harder. So together with Swisscom we have developed the bosh-workspace gem to simplify this process. What better way to introduce a new tool then by having a step by step tutorial. The objective today
Right now I’m working on learning Go by writing a small app that will, eventually, take a Markdown file and convert it to an HTML presentation. When I started working on my program today, my code wouldn’t compile. It was referring to missing packages/etc. I thought, well this can’t be good. First step, check $GOPATH
What is Cloud Foundry Playground? Cloud Foundry Playground is a Go app that allows users to start learning Cloud Foundry without installing all the necessary tools or using a free online trial of a service, e.g. Pivotal Web Services. Cloud Foundry Playground is still under development, so it is important to note that: At the
A lot of PHP apps require extensions such as gd or exif. The php buildpack uses composer to manage extensions/packages. In order to add extension such as gd. Add the following composer.json file { "require": { "ext-gd": "*" } } For extensions like exif and gd just need to prefix it with ext. That’s it!
Consul (or etcd) and Docker are fast becoming core primitives for orchestrating production systems. Docker for packaging and containerization of workloads; Consul makes it simple for services to register themselves and to discover other services via DNS or an HTTP API. For example, etcd is involved in much of the Diego rewrite of Cloud Foundry
Introducing new staticfile-buildpack for running static sites on Cloud Foundry. "We need a fast way to share out HTML/CSS prototypes" $ cf push staticfile Starting app staticfile in org demo / space demo as admin… OK —–> Using root folder —–> Copying project files into public/ —–> Setting up nginx urls: We were hosting
Something-as-a-Service is a popular concept in the modern cloud stack. So in the interest of Blogging as a Service to you, I thought I would share a quick metaphor I have been using to explain these concepts to clients and other colleagues. So let’s open up a chain restaurant. We often talk about treating our
Recently, we wrote all of our slides in Markdown and used mdpress (see post here), which was my official dive into Markdown. Prior to that, my exposure had been pretty limited. Since Markdown is commonly used, I’m going to do a quick run through. The What and Why Markdown is both a syntax and a
In the experiments above, it took on average 43.64s to push a small Ruby app to Cloud Foundry. Introducing PAT: Performance Acceptance Tests! PAT is actively developed by IBMers julz, simonleung8, and others and recently inducted into the Cloud Foundry Incubator. In the graph above, I pointed PAT at Pivotal Web Services. Some other comparisons