You can become a superhero of automation and development by learning and practicing. This is our blog from our learnings and practice.
We are consultants and trainers in Cloud Foundry, devops automation and continous delivery. We have the best jobs in the world helping you have the best job in the world.
You can now deploy/scale/upgrade a single server using any of dozens of community BOSH releases WITHOUT needing BOSH server running. What do you get? A single VM. A single persistent disk – attached and mounted. And either can be scaled/resized over time. And you can upgrade between BOSH releases over time. At the time of
I attended PGConf NYC 2015 on March 26-27. Going to conferences is awesome, in my opinion, because there is an amazing collection of minds available. Minds interested in the same topic you are, which in the nerdosphere(TM) is sometimes hard to come by. Before getting started discussing my favorite talks, I would like to send
Post 2, Electric Boogaloo This is the second part of a series of posts about monitoring your CloudFoundry installations. You can find the first post in the series here. This post will cover some of the basics to encourage non Ruby developers to help us interface with services they’ve written. So… You want a BOSH
Welcome! This manual will guide you through the steps necessary to deploy Cloud Foundry using Terraform on Amazon Web Services. A tremendous amount of automation has been put in place to allow you to quickly deploy Cloud Foundry in an easy and repeatable way. If you know your AWS access key credentials, skip straight to
As mentioned yesterday, BOSH manifests can be huge – 3000 lines of YAML for deploying Cloud Foundry into bosh-lite for example. I wanted to quickly pull out information from a manifest. yaml2json This little CLI will convert YAML to JSON. go get We can pipe any BOSH deployment manifest into it and out comes
Earning Your Trust Cloud Foundry and BOSH make an excellent platform and set of tools and they continue to get better. But all software has shortcomings. Keeping an eye on present and future gaps in the platform is on the mind of most of our clients. This is the first in the series of posts
The declarative nature of a BOSH manifest can give a team solid confidence about what is actually running in production. Give BOSH a deployment manifest and BOSH will make it happen. But if the manifest is 3000 lines long, and you have three of them – sandbox, staging and production – your solid confidence can
Here is a Pager Duty alert for a persistent disk being greater than 80% full on an etcd node: It turned out to be relatively simple to "turn on" disk monitoring on all jobs that contained persistent disks, across all deployments, across all stages of our client’s pipeline. We created a simple BOSH release that
Latest Cloud Foundry releases, and Pivotal Web Services itself, how supports a new container filesystem based on Ubuntu Trusty called cflinuxfs2. Thanks to Simon Johansson [@KarlSimonJohan] the incubator staticfile-buildpack now works on this new stack too! Release notes for other improvements as well: As a developer you can now use this buildpack immediately with