You can become a superhero of automation and development by learning and practicing. This is our blog from our learnings and practice.
We are consultants and trainers in Cloud Foundry, devops automation and continous delivery. We have the best jobs in the world helping you have the best job in the world.
At Stark & Wayne we are constantly thinking, planning, exploring and working towards the ultimate continuous deployment pipelines for our production systems & our customer’s production systems. Dr Nic spoke at CF Summit 2015 on this topic and his slides are now online. If you are looking for a new CI system that can help
This manual will guide you through the steps necessary to deploy Cloud Foundry using Terraform on OpenStack. A tremendous amount of automation has been put in place to allow you to quickly deploy Cloud Foundry in an easy and repeatable way. Installing to AWS can be found here. Overview There are four primary steps to
Assumptions: OpenStack is already installed If OpenStack Juno is used, make sure this patch is applied You are provided an admin login or an administrator follows the steps in ‘Create A New User’ and provides you the credentials An external network has been created An Ubuntu image is already uploaded We will: Create a new
There is a bug in OpenStack Juno which prevents BOSH from assigning static IPs. This can be quite an issue when trying to install Cloud Foundry on OpenStack. There is a very simple fix: Log into Controller Node From the Mirantis Fuel Dashboard navigate to Nodes > Controller and click on the gear icon. The
Ever run into a situation where you need to ssh into a newly created server but you aren’t sure that the server is listening on the ssh port yet? For the Terraform OpenStack install of Cloud Foundry the Bastion server isn’t immediately available for the provision script to run. Below is a short bash script
There have been a couple exciting changes to the two Cloud Foundry provisioning projects for AWS and OpenStack which make deploying Cloud Foundry to these two infrastructures even easier than before. See this link for instructions on deploying Cloud Foundry to AWS, one for OpenStack is coming soon so check the blog again soon. make
When Ferran Rodenas first introduced the docker-boshrelease he included some example deployment manifests that used some example Docker images hosted on Docker Hub. The original Dockerfiles were hosted somewhere else again. And then we further complicated it by creating spiff templates and putting them in a different repo. Then a client asked an innocent question:
We need Docker images to package absolutely anything into BOSH releases, and we need to embed those Docker images inside BOSH release. The new bosh-gen v0.20 makes this very simple. Very simple indeed: bosh-gen package consul-image –docker-image progrium/consul Later, on a BOSH VM, it will be available again in Docker as image progrium/consul. An example
I was reading an article today called Bad UX and User Self Blame that discussed a few cultural things that we have all experienced in the tech world: There are apparently two camps of people: the "I’m not a technical person" and the "tech user" camps "Tech users" not always being kind to "not tech