You can become a superhero of automation and development by learning and practicing. This is our blog from our learnings and practice.
We are consultants and trainers in Cloud Foundry, devops automation and continous delivery. We have the best jobs in the world helping you have the best job in the world.
This will be part of a continuing series of posts as I attempt to carve up, chew, and digest this “Kubernetes” thing everyone keeps talking about. There are a ton of good reference materials on how to get started with a hello-world app on Kubernetes. Go read those. Go on, I’ll wait, open another tab.
As I wrote previously, we are kicking off our Summer 2019 Engineering Internship this week. Here are the potential projects that our intrepid summer interns will be working on. As a team, they will evaluate each proposal, choose one, and then carry it through from start to finish. These projects are fully self-contained (though they
The default username for BOSH VMs is vcap. We have two options when comes to the vcap password for BOSH and VMs that are deployed by BOSH. One is to harden the vcap password, and the other is to let BOSH generate random vcap passwords for the VMs it deploys. Harden Password in Manifest/Cloud Config
Photo by Pixabay from Pexels An OODA loop, credited to USAF Colonel John Boyd is an action oriented cycle for mission delivery. It stands for observe–orient–decide–act. I was introduced to the concept a few years ago, and I’ve become very familiar with the response I get when I share it with others. The very same
Starting this summer (2019), Stark & Wayne will be running thrice-yearly internships, to help introduce near-graduates to the realities of dev/ops culture, agile methodologies, and cloud technology. The Format During each session we will pick between two and four candidates and bring them on part-time (20 hours per week) to work on a complete project,
What is Cloud Foundry? “Cloud Foundry makes it faster and easier to build, test, deploy and scale applications, providing a choice of clouds, developer frameworks, and application services. It is an open source project and is available through a variety of private cloud distributions and public cloud instances.” – What is Knative? “Kubernetes-based platform
As of this writing, it is 2019, and the tech-world has generally accepted TLS as a “good thing.” So let’s put certificates on our servers to make sure we’re talking to the right servers, and let’s also put certificates on our clients to make sure that the right clients are talking to the right servers.
What is Air Gapped? An air gapped environment is one that is not accessible from the internet and cannot access the internet. Enterprises use air gaps in order to prevent access to their network from nefarious external actors and to prevent their own engineers from being able to install any arbitrary software from the internet
Being cost-conscious in a cloud world can be difficult. Especially on public clouds, where deployment footprint and instance sizing can be difficult to get right. Throw in lower environments, like sandbox, quality assurance, and development, and you’ve got the makings of a big cloud services bill. In this presentation, I presented multiple approaches and strategies