Posts by: Chris Weibel
There are many use cases for needing multiple persistent disks to be mounted to a BOSH deployed VM. We are working on a DC/OS BOSH Release which requires multiple disks to be mounted to the mesos-agent servers, one for /var/vcap/store and one as a raw disk for Docker. Before we dive into how this is
Occasionally you may run into an issue where the routes between the routers and nats are not in a consistent state. To detect this issue log onto a server with connectivity to your BOSH director and copy the following Bash script onto it: #!/usr/bin/env bash DEPLOYMENT=$1 RUSER=$2 RPASSWORD=$3 if [[ -z ${DEPLOYMENT} ]]; then echo
Backstory Cloud Foundry is a powerful PaaS allowing developers to easily deploy and scale their applications. Keeping an eye on the platform falls to the operators who can leverage various tools such as the CF Firehose and Prometheus to consume metrics and create dashboards to validate the health of the system. One of the dashboards
There may be times when an operator wants to test a Cloud Foundry API server for operations to list spaces, organizations, etc. There are many ways of doing this, below is one example. Before starting you will need three pieces of information: client_id with cloud_controller.admin privilege client_secret for the client_id api url Obtaining Your Bearer
You are never gonna keep it down Purple Rain got you down? Monit thrashing etcd? Just want to know if ETCD is healthy in your Cloud Foundry deployment? Checking Health Start by getting the list of etcd servers in your CF deployment: bosh vms <your deployment> | grep etc Adjust the following script for your
Earlier today I was greeted with this message while performing a BOSH deployment for SHIELD: Error 100: Unknown CPI error ‘Unknown’ with message ‘AWS was not able to validate the provided access credentials’ I double checked the AWS Access and Secret permissions. I even deployed from my laptop a test deployment with the same keys
You may find yourself in need to connect to a container running on either a DEA runner or Diego Cell. There are two different methods depending on which backend you use which are listed below. DEA Runner Connect via ssh to one of the runners. bosh ssh runner_z1/0 Switch to the root user and obtain
On a recent upgrade I added Diego components to an existing DEA based CF deployment. All was well until I ran the smoke_tests errand and noticed logs were not being returned through Doppler to Loggregator so I ran through the usual suspects. At some point I ran bosh vms and was greeted with every single
A few new job properties were added to the etcd bosh release. One of these is etcd.cluster and reading the spec file you get the helpful hint that it is to represent Information about etcd cluster. So what is this job property supposed to be set to? After a bit of trial and error and