Posts by: Chris Weibel
![Where is PostgreSQL Getting That $%&^ing Configuration Parameter From?](../../../../../wp-content/uploads/where-is-postgresql-getting-that-ing-configuration-parameter-from-300x200.jpg)
Photo by Steve Smith on Unsplash Like a squirrel looking for a lost nut, finding where a configuration parameter is being set in PostgreSQL can be a pain in the (fluffy) tail. For example, the log_min_duration_statement which is used to configure the threshold duration of a query before it is logged can be set
![Adding pgBadger to the PostgreSQL Helm Chart](../../../../../wp-content/uploads/adding-pgbadger-to-the-postgresql-helm-chart-300x200.jpg)
pgBadger is a helpful tool which will generate reports and diagrams about the type and pattern of sql queries over time that are submitted to PostgreSQL. The tool works by reading the PostgreSQL logs (not transaction logs) which are not typically enabled by default in the helm chart. Below are a few methods for leveraging
![Modifying the Default PostgreSQL Helm Chart to Emit Logging](../../../../../wp-content/uploads/modifying-the-default-postgresql-helm-chart-to-emit-logging-300x200.jpg)
Photo by Aleksandar Radovanovic on Unsplash While using the PostgreSQL Helm Chart I wanted to take a look at the queries which were running. I quickly realized I needed to enable the logging to see all the DML goodness to later feed into pgBadger to review the usage patterns of the queries. Below are three
![Running the CrunchyData Postgres Operator on Minikube](../../../../../wp-content/uploads/running-the-crunchydata-postgres-operator-on-minikube-300x123.jpg)
Why are we interested in Postgres on Kubernetes? I gave a talk last week on beginning the journey to getting PostgreSQL running on Kubernetes at the Buffalo Web Developers Database Meetup. There were examples on a simple deployment, configuring stateful sets, adding persistent volume claims and even a liveness probe. What I wanted to show
![Mental Migration: A Cloud Foundry Operator’s Perspective on Starting Kubernetes – Part 2](../../../../../wp-content/uploads/mental-migration-a-cloud-foundry-operators-perspective-on-starting-kubernetes-part-2-300x123.jpg)
This is the second part of my journey as a Cloud Foundry operator learning about the various components Kubernetes by comparing the components to functionalities I know in Cloud Foundry. The start of this series is here: Source of Truth – Cloud Foundry In Cloud Foundry land there are relational databases that contain the
![Mental Migration: A Cloud Foundry operator’s perspective on starting Kubernetes – Part 1](../../../../../wp-content/uploads/mental-migration-a-cf-operators-perspective-on-starting-kubernetes-300x123.jpg)
This will be part of a continuing series of posts as I attempt to carve up, chew, and digest this “Kubernetes” thing everyone keeps talking about. There are a ton of good reference materials on how to get started with a hello-world app on Kubernetes. Go read those. Go on, I’ll wait, open another tab.
![Preflight Platform Checklist: A Mechanic’s Guide](../../../../../wp-content/uploads/preflight-platform-checklist-a-mechanics-guide-300x225.jpg)
Years ago, the documentation around getting Cloud Foundry going was not exactly thorough. There was a small treasure trove of carefully cultivated manifests, Google Docs, and READMEs with instructions which quickly became outdated. Let’s face it, it was a small miracle back then to get a manifest for Cloud Foundry to work! In the subsequent
![Cheat Sheet – Registering a Service Broker](../../../../../wp-content/uploads/cheat-sheet-registering-a-service-broker-300x123.jpg)
Below is a quick summary for registering your (or someone else’s) service broker into CF. Be sure to verify the username and password, especially if someone else pushed the broker application. Step 1 – Push the Broker & Verify Push the broker app so it registers a route. To verify you have the correct url,
![Hey BOSH, Gimme a VM Quick](../../../../../wp-content/uploads/hey-bosh-gimme-a-vm-300x123.jpg)
So once in a while I need to debug whether BOSH is wired up correctly to spin vms and I need a quick deployment manifest that isn’t 4k+ lines long. This is what I use assuming a cloud-config with `defaults` defined: name: emptyvm stemcells: – alias: default os: ubuntu-xenial version: latest releases: [] update: canaries: