Which Version of a BOSH Release is Deployed Where?

It’s time for some good jq magic. I need to know where a specific release is deployed in the current environment. I also need to know which version of that release is deployed in each spot. Specifically, I’m checking for shield, but you can change RELEASE_NAME to whatever you want.

export BOSH_ENVIRONMENT=my-bosh-directorexport RELEASE_NAME=shield
bosh deployments --json | jq '[.Tables[].Rows[] | select(.release_s | contains(env.RELEASE_NAME)) | {name: .name, version: .release_s | capture(".*"+env.RELEASE_NAME+"/(?<v>[0-9.]+)").v}]'

This outputs some delicious, nutritious JSON:

    "name": "my-concourse",
    "version": "8.3.0"
    "name": "my-minio",
    "version": "8.3.0"
    "name": "my-prometheus",
    "version": "8.3.0"
    "name": "my-shield",
    "version": "8.3.0"
    "name": "my-vault",
    "version": "8.3.0"
    "name": "my-bosh-1",
    "version": "8.2.1"
    "name": "my-bosh-2",
    "version": "8.3.0"
    "name": "my-bosh-3",
    "version": "8.3.0"

This saved me time. I took the time I saved and I wrote this blog post to save you time. That’s basically charity. Tax deductible. Pay it forward. Good work everyone.

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