You can become a superhero of automation and development by learning and practicing. This is our blog from our learnings and practice.
We are consultants and trainers in Cloud Foundry, devops automation and continous delivery. We have the best jobs in the world helping you have the best job in the world.

Nine months before the start of the pandemic I was hospitalized for rhabdomyolysis, a serious medical issue caused by muscle tissue breakdown that impacts kidney function. Since my hospitalization, I have been trying to find ways to recover but recovery may take years due to the extent of muscle and organ damage. Without knowing the

In the fall of 2020, VMware sent a curt email to all subscribers on its PWS — Pivotal Web Services — platform informing them that come January 15th, 2021, they would need to move all of their applications to … elsewhere. Understandably, this caused a great deal of confusion among the PWS customer base. It’s

Cloud Native Transformations have been on the rise over the past decade but many of them get off to a rocky start or fail. We have consulted with scores of organizations who have taken on the Cloud Native journey. This article outlines some consistent themes that most of these organizations faced. There are usually two

Photo by Henrique Félix on Unsplash The cf-for-k8s project is an interesting twist to running Cloud Foundry on Kubernetes using more “Kubernetes”-native projects like Istio, Eirini, and Fluentd. If you are interested in giving cf-for-k8s a spin on your own laptop the instructions below will create a Kubernetes (Minikube) and install cf-for-k8s. These instructions borrow

Photo by Joel Thorner on Unsplash In a previous blog post we’ve shown you how to deploy EKS quickly and easily with Terraform. AWS recently release version v1.18 of Kubernetes on EKS so now is the perfect opportunity to see how to upgrade an EKS cluster using Terraform. For the rest of this blog it

Background Over the past couple of days, I’ve been playing with Tweed. Tweed is an on-demand service broker that targets both Kubernetes and BOSH for deploying mission-critical data services, in both shared configurations (running as containers on a Kubernetes cluster) and dedicated configurations (running as virtual machines in a cloud IaaS of your choice). How

As far as enabling technologies go, CF is pretty. Write some code, wire up some marketplace services, and then simply cf push your way to a running, scalable web application. I daresay it’s effortless. A sheer joy to use. It’s definitely lead to more applications and more instance replicas. Can you imagine even attempting microservices

Over the past decade or so I’ve developed a strong allergy to typing commands after having already typed other commands. I’d rather have computers react to me, and do what needs to be done whenever they see telltale signs that I want to see change in the internet. I call this “declarative automation.” For years,

Introduction Deploying software to multiple environments (such as dev / staging / production) introduces operational complexity that requires explicit managing in order to ensure parity between environments. Previously I wrote an article introducing how you can use cepler to significantly reduce this overhead (and it is recommended to read that first). In this article we