
You can become a superhero of automation and development by learning and practicing. This is our blog from our learnings and practice.

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AWS Instance Counts from BOSH Deployed VMs

Ever wonder how many of the VMS in AWS Console were deployed via BOSH? How about the number of instance types so you can start using reserved instances? The script below will show you the number of BOSH deployed VMS you have for each defined director on AWS. A few assumptions: You can log into

Chris Weibel Profile Image

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Chris Weibel

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Adding Certs to Cloud Foundry Deployments

We recently added etcd TLS to several environments and leveraged the certificate creation scripts in cf-release/scripts. These are wonderful little scripts but leave it as an exercise to copy and paste in the contents of the flat files into your deployment manifest. After my second copy-pasta a colleague (thanks Tom) created a helpful script to

Chris Weibel Profile Image

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Chris Weibel

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Detect ETCD Split Brain for Cloud Foundry

While upgrading one of the development environments we had a bad configuration of the etcd properties. This resulted in three etcd servers spinning up which each elected themselves as leader. To detect this condition look at the leader key on each etcd server. In the scenario below there are three etcd servers named: etcd_z1/0 etcd_z1/1

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Chris Weibel

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Concourse Pipeline has failed to fetch digest: 401 Unauthorized

When MKB and I were pairing on concourse-tutorial task 12, the following error occurred when we ran the pipeline. resource script ‘/opt/resource/check []’ failed: exit status 1 stderr: failed to fetch digest: 401 Unauthorized In the tutorial, there is a bump-timestamp-file.yml which was using the following docker image resource: image_resource: type: docker-image source: { repository:

Dr. Xiujiao Gao 高秀娇 Profile Image

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Dr. Xiujiao Gao 高秀娇

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Use AWS RDS PostgreSQL for UAADB and CCDB in Cloud Foundry

In the Cloud Foundry(CF) architecture, two of the CF components CF components have databases, one is Cloud Controller(CC), the other is OAuth2 Server (UAA). The reliability of these two databases is extremely important to the success of the CF system. PostgreSQL has become a very popular open source relational database for many enterprises. Amazon RDS

Dr. Xiujiao Gao 高秀娇 Profile Image

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Dr. Xiujiao Gao 高秀娇

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GitHub-Slack Integrations without giving Slack write permission

Slack has a great integration with GitHub, allowing you to have a bot post all kinds of GitHub activity into your slack channels. However, the default settings for this require you to give Slack write-permissions on all your public/private repos. Depending on your level of paranoia, this may not ideal. Fortunately, there is a relatively

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Setting up Keybase and GPG Tools (Mac)

What are GPG Tools? GPG, or GNU Privacy Guard, is a replacement for Symantec’s PGP cryptographic software suite and allows users to encrypt sensitive information. Specifically, GPG Tools includes a utility that integrates with Apple Mail, a GPG Keychain to manage OpenPGP keys, and a command line tool (which I will be using below). What

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Quintessence Anx

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Piping psql into jq

The modern hero of shell scripts is jq. Pipe in JSON, find values, store back into variables or create new JSON and work with that. Unfortunately my data was in PostgreSQL, and the psql output is not JSON. But it would be awesome if it was. Just imagine the power of psql -c ‘SELECT somecolumn

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Ashley Gerwitz

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调试发布APP到Cloud Foundry过程中的’Failed setting cpu shares’ Stager Error

当我在AWS中的Cloud Foundry发布应用的时候,下面的Staging错误出现了。 2016-08-23T16:12:13.59+0000 [DEA/0] OUT Got staging request for app with id 71e82161-f1e8-408f-bd0f-fe8701284e83 2016-08-23T16:12:13.64+0000 [API/0] OUT Updated app with guid 71e82161-f1e8-408f-bd0f-fe8701284e83 ({"state"=>"STARTED"}) 2016-08-23T16:12:16.05+0000 [API/0] ERR Encountered error: Stager error: failed to stage application: 2016-08-23T16:12:16.05+0000 [API/0] ERR Failed setting cpu shares: No such file or directory @ rb_sysopen – /tmp/warden/cgroup/cpu/instance-19qntmnpnj1/cpu.shares 我运行bosh ssh登录到其中一个Runner虚拟机,运行sudo su -以及ls /tmp/warden/cgroup来查看到底发生了什么。我发现在cgroup路径里竟然什么文件都没有!我一时不知道从哪里着手进行调试,因为我觉得问题出在Warden本身,而我对Warden内部代码并不熟悉。我在CF的slack中找到#runtime-org组进行求助,Dan Lavine和Sandy

Dr. Xiujiao Gao 高秀娇 Profile Image

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Dr. Xiujiao Gao 高秀娇

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