Don’t tell Geoff – customizing your BOSH VM’s root user profile – part 2

Previously, the awesome Geoff Franks invented a way to customize the root user’s environment in any BOSH job

I said, "let’s do a bash | curl installer" so its much easier to get the custom environment into a one-time VM for debugging.

He said,


Then MKB chimed in,


So, you’ve been warned. Because I did it anyway. is a starting point for a customizable root bash environment.

To install by the critized curl | bash method, first bosh ssh into a VM, change to root user and install:

sudo su -
curl | bash

Exit from root user and change back again:

sudo su -

Your root user now has all your favourite .bashrc, .vimrc, aliases and more.

But don’t tell Geoff I did this.

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