Posts by: LongNguyen
A lot of PHP apps require extensions such as gd or exif. The php buildpack uses composer to manage extensions/packages. In order to add extension such as gd. Add the following composer.json file { "require": { "ext-gd": "*" } } For extensions like exif and gd just need to prefix it with ext. That’s it!
BOSH openstack stemcells are QCOW2 format by default. If you need RAW stemcell version. Use the following script. #!/bin/bash if [[ $# -eq 0 ]] ; then echo ‘Usage: <tgz stemcell>’ exit 0 fi original_dir=$(pwd) tmpdir=$(mktemp -d -t stemcell) cp $1 $tmpdir/ pushd $tmpdir tar zxvf $1 rm $1 tar zxvf image qemu-img convert