Posts by: LongNguyen

Adding extensions to PHP buildpack

A lot of PHP apps require extensions such as gd or exif. The php buildpack uses composer to manage extensions/packages. In order to add extension such as gd. Add the following composer.json file { "require": { "ext-gd": "*" } } For extensions like exif and gd just need to prefix it with ext. That’s it!

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Converting Openstack QCOW2 stemcell to RAW stemcell

BOSH openstack stemcells are QCOW2 format by default. If you need RAW stemcell version. Use the following script. #!/bin/bash if [[ $# -eq 0 ]] ; then echo ‘Usage: <tgz stemcell>’ exit 0 fi original_dir=$(pwd) tmpdir=$(mktemp -d -t stemcell) cp $1 $tmpdir/ pushd $tmpdir tar zxvf $1 rm $1 tar zxvf image qemu-img convert

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