Posts by: Ashley Gerwitz

TL;DR You can now quickly create a BOSH package using existing .deb files instead of source files. gem install bosh-gen bosh-gen packages apache2 –apt vagrant up vagrant ssh -c ‘/vagrant/src/apt/ apache2’ vagrant destroy Edit the generated src/apt/apache2/aptfile to edit the list of .deb packages to be downloaded and later installed. When your BOSH release uses

It’s almost faster to create a BOSH release, iteratively deploy it and test it, then share a final documented release with the world than it is learn "what is BOSH again?" At Stark & Wayne we love BOSH, so here we go again to show how delicious this technology is for the development side. In

I need a simple way to create and delete (and ultimate upgrade) dedicate services – redis, postgresql, etc. In this post I introduce a simple CLI for creating a Redis server, getting the URI for the service, binding it to your Cloud Foundry app, and later deleting it. Here is an example scenario for installing

This is video is probably the best demonstration I’ve seen so far showing the TDD process for cookbook development. – Fletcher Nichol There is something wonderful coming to devops-land called test-kitchen 1.0. Its a complete rewrite of old test-kitchen by Fletcher Nichol. Its supposedly agnostic to chef[1]; yet for chef cookbook development it is going

Congratulations to all the staff and management at Pivotal who are launching today! I am very happy to be a partner with Pivotal on all-things related to Cloud Foundry and the future of our industry. They will be great stewards of Cloud Foundry the Open Source project and I look forward to CF becoming pervasive

We’re using Jenkins, we want to create Jenkins plugins and we’re looking at using the jenkins.rb project to create those plugins in Ruby. Very exciting technology that was created by Charles Lowell and Jenkins’ Kohsuke himself. Jenkins is written in Java, runs on the JVM, and it wasn’t at all obvious how I could "just

I discovered that each Jenkins server has a page where you can download a Jenkins CLI. What I wanted to do was script the triggering of Jenkins jobs with custom parameters. Why? That’s for another blog post! But I thought it was non-trivial enough to trigger the build of secure Jenkins job with custom parameters

For the same reason I like Puma as my Rails web server, I like using Sidekiq for my background jobs. The reason? They use threads. Puma can handle multiple web requests simultaneously and Sidekiq can handle multiple background jobs simultaneously. This article shows how I add Sidekiq to my Rails app and run its background

When Cloud Foundry was first released in April 2011, it supported both Ruby 1.8 and Ruby 1.9 but it only supported the thin server. This was the same server that was originally only supported by Heroku. Mike Perham wrote a great article on the Puma server last Christmas and it turns out it is really