You have many choices for running your tests, deployment, and miscellaneous automation, yet we’ve found more and more individuals and organizations are adopting Buildkite. This 12000-word article will provide you the most in-depth tutorial for getting started with Buildkite. It will cover the basic concepts, setup, secrets, and all the way to how we are currently deploy this very blog into production with support for whitelisted and guest pull requests.
This is a very special long-form article that has taken weeks to write, check, and improve. We hope you enjoy the article. We especially hope you enjoy Buildkite like we do.

Buildkite is a semi-SaaS. The service provides an aggregated dashboard, CLI tools, and an API; whilst providing you the security and cost-management of running your own infrastructure for build workers. It is a free service for individuals, and their corporate pricing is a flat per-user rate regardless how many pipelines you own or how many build steps you execute each day.

Buildkite can scale with your applications and with your organization. You can start with tiny, infrequent pipelines up to huge, highly parallel, dynamic pipelines whose work is spread across 10,000 worker nodes.
Table of Contents
Topics covered
In this special long-form article we will explore:
- What is Buildkite and what is its model for CI/CD testing and pipelines?
- How to get started with Continuous Integration testing with Buildkite?
- How to locally iterate on Buildkite pipelines without affecting everyone else?
- How to get started with Buildkite running builds upon your laptop?
- When should I start running Buildkite steps inside Docker containers?
- How and when to start running Buildkite Agent worker servers on Linode?
- How can I install Rancher k3s or other dependencies on my Linode agent workers?
- How do I assign Buildkite steps to a subset of Agents or host servers?
- How can I automatically scale up and down my Buildkite Agents worker servers? How can I run Buildkite Agent servers on AWS EC2?
- How do I configure my pipelines with environment variables and where do I store secrets?
- How do I prevent other people modifying my Pipeline with their commits?
- How can I deploy applications?
Your first Buildkite pipeline
Click the following button to start the tutorial on your free Buildkite account:
No fields need to be changed at this time, nor you need to fork the tutorial repository. Scroll to the bottom button to “Create Pipeline”.
We will skip the next page “GitHub Webhook Setup.” Scroll to the bottom and click “Continue to Pipeline.”
Now click “New Build” at the top right. Enter an arbitrary message. It can include Buildkite Emoji, such as “Learning to :pipeline: is fun.”

Your Pipeline starts with a single Step (the blue pipline icon), but the Pipeline build will wait forever until a Buildkite Agent is provided to process the Step.
You are responsible for running your own fleet of Buildkite Agent worker servers. Agents can run on cloud servers, bare metal datacenters, Raspberry Pis, or your local laptop. The only require outbound Internet access to Buildkite APIs.
Install and run buildkite-agent start --spawn 2
to host some Buildkite Agents on your local machine:

The Agents will immediately be allocated work – “jobs” – from our Pipeline. Our blue pipeline icon Step immediately becomes an Agent job.
Back at the dashboard our Pipeline will show success.

Your Pipeline Build started with one Step (the blue pipeline icon) but finished with two Steps (the computer icon). We will discuss Pipeline Builds and Steps soon.
Expand the ./src/
step to see its output. What you see here will depend on the server running the Agent.
Run Buildkite Pipelines locally
Any Buildkite Pipeline YAML can be run locally – even without having configuring the Pipeline within – using the convenient bk
bk local run .buildkite/
The bk local run
command will spin up a single local temporary Agent. The command is also aliased to bk run
and bk
. Explicitly passing the path to the pipeline YAML file is not required if it is one of the defaults, such as .buildkite/pipeline.yml
. The tutorial repo contains multiple pipeline YAML files, so we need to explicitly specify which Pipeline YAML to run.
You can pass additional environment variables into bk local run
with the -E
export SOME_EXISTING_TOKEN=somevalue
To pass in all the environment variables in a local .env
file containing SOME_EXISTING_TOKEN=somevalue
lines, we can use some Perl:
bk local run $(perl -n -e 'chomp; print "-E $_ ";' <.env)
Thanks James Hunt for the Perl magic.
Quick look at a Pipeline YAML file
file describes a single step that runs a Bash shell script.
- label: ":desktop_computer:"
command: ./src/
We give each step a small label, often a single emoji. As our pipelines grow, adding more and more steps, the label/emoji will help us quickly identify what steps is currently running, or what step just failed.
command is the smallest thing we might ever do within a pipeline: it consumes no inputs from the outside world, nor from preceding steps; and it produces no outputs to the outside world, nor passing meta-data to subsequent steps.
Editing Pipelines
Earlier we created our Buildkite Pipeline to run the single step defined in .buildkite/
What do we do if we want to modify our Pipeline?
You would edit the Pipeline YAML file, commit it, push it, and the new Pipeline YAML will be used for all future Builds.
Try cloning the tutorial repository, edit the Pipeline YAML, and run it with bk
git clone ~/workspace/buildkite-tutorial
cd ~/workspace/buildkite-tutorial
bk local run .buildkite/
Later in this article we will fork this repository and setup a GitHub webhook into your Pipeline. Your committed changes to Pipeline YAML will be immediately used by
By the end of this article you will also fully understand the mechanism for how Buildkite dynamically updates the Pipeline whenever you modify it.
Switching to next tutorial pipeline
We can also change the Pipeline behavior by asking Buildkite to load a different YAML file.
On any Buildkite Pipeline page, click “Pipeline Settings” in the upper right corner and you’ll be taken to the Steps settings page. Find the highlighted “Pipeline emoji” icon, and toggle it to open up the Step’s configuration.

You can now edit the command that decides what Pipeline YAML should be loaded whenever we commence a Build.
Change the “Commands to run” field to buildkite-agent pipeline upload .buildkite/pipeline.pass-random-number.yml

Scroll down and click “Save Steps” button.
A clue as to what is happening here: The Pipeline we registered with is not yet the Pipeline YAML files in our tutorial repository. When we initially created the Pipeline at the start of this article we created a Pipeline with one step – to inject our own Pipeline YAML file from our repository. We will come back to the buildkite-agent pipeline upload
command again soon.
We can trigger a “New Build” of our Pipeline, which will in turn load the alternate pipeline.pass-random-number.yml
steps and append them to our Pipeline, and those steps will start running. Run “New Build” a few times to watch this sequence.
Our successful Pipeline Build shows four icons for the four steps in our full Pipeline:
- Wiggly line in a blue circle. This step loads our actual Pipeline YAML steps, as discussed above.
- Ballot being placed in a ballot box. This step generates a random number and stores it in meta-data (see the next section).
- Greater-than symbol. Wait for all preceding steps to successfully complete (see section Waiting below).
- Computer. Fetch the stored number from meta-data and display it (see the next section).

Passing meta-data between steps
Our new pipeline generates a random number in the first Step and passes that number to subsequent Steps. It is configured in YAML:
- label: ":ballot_box_with_ballot:"
command: ./src/
- wait
- label: ":desktop_computer:"
command: ./src/
script performs two steps:
- Generate a random number between 1 and 10
- Stores it into Buildkite Meta-Data using
buildkite-agent meta-data set "generated-number" "some-value"
- Fetches the value using
buildkite-agent meta-data get "generated-number"
- Displays it to the build logs.
The buildkite-agent meta-data [set|get]
commands interact with the API to store and fetch key/values. Avoid using Buildkite Meta-Data service to store Secrets and large things (Artifacts), both of which we will introduce later in this article.
Since this final step requires that the first step be fully completed, we introduce the concept of a wait
step into our pipeline.
Steps are performed in parallel, until we hit a wait
or a block
step. Steps before wait
or block
are performed in parallel, and the steps after a wait
or block
are subsequently performed in parallel.
Depends On
The wait
step is an easy way to ensure that all preceding steps have been completed. For larger Pipelines you may wish more granularity in declaring that a Step is specifically blocked, or depends_on
, preceding Steps.
We could replace the wait
step by declaring the latter Step is dependent upon the first Step. The first Step needs a key
name for reference.
- label: ":ballot_box_with_ballot:"
command: ./src/
key: generate-number
- label: ":desktop_computer:"
command: ./src/
- generate-number
$ bk local run .buildkite/pipeline.pass-random-number-depends-on.yml
>>> Executing command step 🗳️
+ buildkite-agent meta-data set generated-number 9
>>> Executing command step 🖥️
+ buildkite-agent meta-data get generated-number
Parallel steps and multiple Agents
How many parallel Buildkite steps will be performed at the same time? Each step is allocated to a single Agent, and a single Agent can perform one step at a time. So, you can increase the parallelism of your pipeline(s) by increasing the number of Agents. Either run more Agents per worker server, or run more worker servers.
Earlier we ran buildkite-agent start --spawn 2
and now we have two Agents.
We can schedule two steps at the same time. Let’s add some parallelism our pipeline.
Dynamic Pipelines
Our next tutorial pipeline will dynamically create additional steps on the fly.
Each time you trigger a New Build, it will take the generated number and create that many parallel steps. What does each new Step do? Why of course, it will generate another number.
Update the Pipeline Settings to run buildkite-agent pipeline upload .buildkite/pipeline.dynamic-steps.yml
as per the Switching to next tutorial pipeline instructions, and run a New Build, giving it the name “Dynamic 1”. And then trigger New Build to create “Dynamic 2”, and again to create Build “Dynamic 3”.
Rather than just watch one Build in progress, we can watch all the Builds in progress. Click on either inline buttons “Builds” or “Running”.

You would have also watched the steps be performed in batches of two – for the two Agents you have running.
Each Build has a different number of Steps. My output above will different to yours. That’s randomness for you.
But how did Buildkite allow us to generate new Steps whilst the Build was in progress?
It is thanks to the magic of buildkite-agent pipeline upload
. We can run it multiple times during each pipeline build to insert new steps.
- label: ":pipeline:"
command: ./src/ | buildkite-agent pipeline upload
I’ve reused the same :pipeline:
emoji to indicate that a step is about to spit out more steps. Of course, you can use any text or emojis for your step labels, but I think it lowers cognative load to reuse the :pipeline:
emoji for a step that generates new steps, just like the first step did.
Our buildkite-agent pipeline upload
command above did not load a static file, rather we piped it dynamically-generated YAML from the ./src/
First, we decide how many steps to create. In this trivial tutorial example, we’re using the randomly generated number stored in meta-data:
steps_count=$(buildkite-agent meta-data get generated-number)
In your own projects, you might dynamically decide how much parallelism, or which steps are required, after inspecting your repository, environment variables, artifacts, or meta-data.
Next, loop over our $steps_count
variable to print some YAML to STDOUT:
echo "steps:"
cat <<YAML
- label: "$i"
command: ./src/ $i
An example YAML output, if $steps_count
was 4:
- label: "0"
command: ./src/ 0
- label: "1"
command: ./src/ 1
- label: "2"
command: ./src/ 2
- label: "3"
command: ./src/ 3
This YAML is piped into buildpack-agent pipeline upload
, which in turn inserts the 3 steps into the running Pipeline Build. The new steps have labels 0, 1, 2, and 3, and will look like the “Dynamic 2” example build in my sample image above.
What can you do with Dynamic Pipelines? I’ve heard tales – urban legends – of Buildkite founder Keith Pitt using Dynamic Pipelines to create interactive dungeon crawling adventure games. Answer a question, and the response is used to generate the next part of the pipeline; which in turn will ask a question and wait for a response.
How do I prevent contributors from changing my Pipeline?
There is a novel consequence to how we are asking Buildkite to run buildkite-agent pipeline upload [path/to/some/pipeline.yml]
as our first step: the behavior of the Pipeline is defined by the Git commit.

Each new commit can contribute a new improvement to the Pipeline YAML itself. It’s very cool.
But you might not want this. Perhaps you’re OK allowing and encouraging your own team to mutate the Pipeline with their commits, but you do not want new contributors to be able to change the Pipeline within their commit or Pull Requests.
There are some options to restrict this behavior.
Fetch Pipeline YAML from a remote file
You can fetch the Pipeline YAML from a trusted remote location, rather than from the Build’s Git commit. That way every Build uses the same Pipeline YAML, rather than the Pipeline YAML from the current Git commit.
On GitHub, each file has a “Raw” button, which provides a URL to the raw contents of a file for a specific branch. In the example below, the “Raw” button will provide the latest contents of the .buildkite/
file on the master

We now pipe this remote file into buildkite-agent pipeline upload
, say using curl
curl -sSL | buildkite-agent pipeline upload

The initial pipeline will now be loaded from a trusted remote file, not from the Build’s Git commit.
If the Pipeline YAML references any scripts, or generates additional Pipeline Steps, then this behavior will come from the Build Git commit.
Embed Pipeline YAML within Buildkite
In all our Pipelines in this article you start with a single blue pipeline icon Step – to dynamically load the remainder of the Steps from .buildkite/pipeline.yml
, another file, or from YAML piped in via STDIN.
You can also remove this “load the pipeline” step – to stop running buildkite-agent pipeline upload
– and to embed the pipeline YAML within Buildkite.
On the Pipeline Settings’s Steps page, you could scroll down to the section “Convert to YAML Steps”, and click Convert to YAML Steps.

This action is permanent and its not necessary for you to perform now.
On the next page, you will be shown your existing single buildkite-agent pipeline upload
Step pipeline as YAML. Replace this with your multi-step Pipeline YAML and save.
No longer can anyone modify the initial Pipeline steps and environment variables with their Git commits.
Can my Buildkite pipelines ask questions?
All Pipelines will proceed uninterrupted and completed all steps. Robots are awesome. How do you add some behavior to a pipeline that is only executed sometimes on special occasions? How do you block a pipeline and ask a human for permission to proceed? How do you ask a human for some additional information – such as release notes or a support ticket ID – before continuing?
Buildkite answers all these questions with block
You can block a pipeline and ask for a simple “OK to proceed?” prompt:

Better yet, whilst your Pipeline has the human’s attention it can ask them for human information:

The answers to this block
step will be stored in Meta-Data. Learn more from the Buildkite Block Step Example repository.
We can add a simple “OK to continue?” block
step to our earlier pipeline. The pipeline.ask-to-continue.yml
pipeline contains the following additional step:
- block: ":incoming_envelope: generate"
prompt: "Should we generate some numbers?"
For good measure, the label
includes both an emoji and some text. The prompt
message will be hidden until the human becomes involved.
Update the Pipeline Settings to run buildkite-agent pipeline upload .buildkite/pipeline.ask-to-continue.yml
as per the Switching to next tutorial pipeline instructions, and run a New Build called “Ask Me”.

Once the “Ask Me” build finishes running, it changes from yellow to green. Green is good. But we can see that the “Ask Me” Build is different from the preceding “Dynamics 3” Build:
- It has a red Cancel button.
- The latter Pipeline step icons are white, not green.
- The “generate” step icon is preceded by a lock symbol.
- Instead of “Passed in 30s”, the summary of the pipeline so far is “Passed in 27s and blocked.”
Blocked pipelines are OK. Blocked might be fine. The remaining steps in the pipeline might be completely optional to your organization.
Today, our pipeline needs you. Click on the locked “generate” step button to see the prompt. Click “OK” to continue.

Instead of generating a random number, the Pipeline could ask the human (that’s you) for how many Pipeline Steps it should generate.
Update the Pipeline Settings to run buildkite-agent pipeline upload .buildkite/pipeline.ask-for-steps.yml
as per the Switching to next tutorial pipeline instructions, and run a New Build, giving it the name “Ask Me for Steps”.
The Pipeline Build will load in our new pipeline YAML steps, which now immediately blocks.

When we click on the locked ballot box icon we are given a beautiful form to fill in.

After proceeding with “Continue” button, our pipeline will use the form’s meta-data to generate five new steps.

Alas, at the time of writing, I did not find something amusing to achieve with your fruit selection.
How did I configure the Buildkite block step form?
- block: ":ballot_box_with_ballot:"
prompt: "We robots have questions. Many questions."
- text: "How many steps to create?"
key: "generated-number"
hint: "Think of any number. But a positive number."
- select: "Do you have a favorite?"
key: "favourite-thing"
- label: ":green_apple:"
value: "green_apple"
- label: ":apple:"
value: "apple"
Try this at home: dynamically generate a form to populate the items in the select
field options
Configuring Buildkite Pipeline with environment variables
In the preceding example, every time you trigger the pipeline it blocks and ask “How many steps to create?” More than likely you only want to provide this information once. One answer – say, 5 parallel steps – would be sufficient for all future Pipeline Builds until you had reason to change it for all subsequent builds.
We can configure Pipelines using environment variables.
Let’s allow an environment variable $STEPS_COUNT
to be provided in Pipeline Settings that determines the number of parallel Steps to be generated.
Update the Pipeline Settings to run buildkite-agent pipeline upload .buildkite/pipeline.dynamic-steps-from-env-var.yml
as per the Switching to next tutorial pipeline instructions.
Next, we configure all our future Builds by configuring the $STEPS_COUNT
environment variable in the “Steps” page whilst we’re editing the Step above.

Run a New Build. In my example below I called the Build “STEPS_COUNT=6”, but of course the Build name does not set the environment variable. Only a mad person would write a confusing tutorial.

Environment variables can also be hard-coded into the Pipeline YAML in two places.
A variable can be fixed for the entire Pipeline and all its Steps:
- label: ":pipeline:"
command: ./src/ | buildkite-agent pipeline upload
Or we can set a variable for only a single step:
- label: ":pipeline:"
command: ./src/ | buildkite-agent pipeline upload
Precedence of environment variables in Buildkite Builds
What if we did all three?
- set
in the Pipeline Settings, - set
for all Steps in the Pipeline YAML, and - set
for a single step, say:pipeline:
The answer? The single step :pipeline:
would receive STEPS_COUNT=2
, and all other steps would receive STEPS_COUNT=4
No step would receive the STEPS_COUNT=6
Default values for Buildkite environment variables
In our current pipeline, if STEPS_COUNT
is missing then ./src/
exits with an error because the variable is missing. I did this with the following fancy Bash expression:
: ${STEPS_COUNT:?please configure pipeline with \$STEPS_COUNT environment variable}
I could have set a default value, rather than an error. The following example will default STEPS_COUNT=1
One of the benefits of Buildkite over other SaaS CI/CD services is security – your code and your secrets never leave your servers. They are never stored on Buildkite’s servers or databases.
Do not set your AWS credentials as environment variables in the Buildkite Dashboard. Nor your private keys nor certificates. These environment variables are stored in Buildkite’s databases.

Buildkite Secrets documentation includes a longer list of “anti-patterns” for secrets.
What are the options for retrieving Secrets?
There are three paths to Build steps having access to Secrets:
- Explicitly fetch the secrets from a secrets storage service during each step; for example, make an API call out to Hashicorp Vault or your Cloud Provider’s Secrets Service.
- Pass Secrets into all Pipelines via Buildkite Agent.
- Pass Secrets into a specific Step via a Buildkite Plugin.
Option 1 and 3 allows for fine-grained access to Secrets, without exposing them to an entire pipeline. Option 2 allows sharing of common secrets to all Pipelines.
Option 2 allows for Secrets to be stored or cached on the host server and loaded into each Step quickly.
All Options above allow Secrets to be fetched from remote secrets storage services
Option 1 would require you to explicitly invoke vault read
or aws secretsmanager get-secret-value
commands to fetch seccrets from Hashicorp Vault or AWS SecretsManager during your step scripts.
Option 2 would encapsulate these commands inside a Buildkite Plugin for your convenience. We will investigate an AWS SecretsManager plugin later.
Option 2 and 3 pass Secrets to a Step command via environment variables that are local to that Step only.
The Buildkite method for allowing Option 2 and 3 to inject Secrets as environment variables is Buildkite Agent Hooks.
Injecting environment variables with Buildkite Hooks
Buildkite Agents, Plugins, and your Git repository can be configured to run additional setup scripts via Hooks. These are your own scripts that can be run at different phases of each Pipeline or its Steps.
We will pass Secrets to our Steps via environment variables. To inject environment variables we can register Hooks into our Buildkite Agents or activate a Buildkite Plugin within a specific Step.

We will now use an Agent Hook to set the $STEPS_COUNT
environment variable for all Pipelines that use our local Agents.
Update your Pipeline Settings to remove any environment variables.

To configure our local Buildkite Agent to provide $STEPS_COUNT
to all pipeline steps/jobs that it processes, we create a environment
script in a hooks
directory and use it to export
environment variables.
mkdir -p ~/.buildkite-agent/hooks
cat > ~/.buildkite-agent/hooks/environment <<SHELL
export STEPS_COUNT=10
buildkite-agent start --spawn 2 --hooks-path ~/.buildkite-agent/hooks
The environment
hook will run before all other commands, and can be used to set up secrets, data, etc.
Run a “New Build” and we’ll see that $STEPS_COUNT
is now being provided by the Agent Hook, and is set to 10 as declared in our hooks/environment
file above.

If you manage a fleet of Buildkite Agent worker servers, you are responsible for distributing this hooks/environment
script to all servers, plus any future updates, and ensuring no one has access to it except the buildkite-agent
Storing secrets in an encrypted AWS S3 bucket
Another path to dynamically and securely distributing secrets to all Buildkite Agents is to use the AWS S3 Secrets Buildkite Plugin.
We will store secrets in encrypted files in an AWS S3 bucket, and ask our Buildkite Agents to fetch those secrets and inject them into our Builds. New secrets will be immediately distributed to all Agents.
You can try out S3 secrets using a public S3 bucket I’ve created for this article.
First, install the S3 plugin, and create a hooks/environment
Agent Hook to delegate to the S3 Secrets plugin fetch the secrets from an S3 bucket.
git clone \ \
cat > ~/.buildkite-agent/hooks/environment <<SHELL
export BUILDKITE_PLUGIN_S3_SECRETS_BUCKET="buildkite-tutorial-public-example-secrets"
source $S3_SECRETS_DIR/hooks/environment
You will need to install the aws
CLI on your Buildkite Agent servers.
I’ve using a publicly accessible S3 bucket for this article, that sets STEPS_COUNT=12
Restart the Agent and set --hooks-path
to the folder containing the ~/.buildkite-agent/hooks/environment
wrapper hook above.
buildkite-agent start --spawn 2 --hooks-path ~/.buildkite-agent/hooks
Finally, when you re-run your Build against the local Agent, the Logs for each step show “Downloading secrets from buildkite-tutorial-public-example-secrets” below, and later we see “STEPS_COUNT changed” which indicates that this environment variable has been set.

We can see that the STEPS_COUNT
value fetched from the S3 bucket was 12, and 12 steps have been generated.

To verify that STEPS_COUNT=12
came from an env
or environment
file in my tutorial bucket, you can inspect the file:
$ curl
export STEPS_COUNT=12
The tutorial bucket is public so you do not need to setup aws
CLI credentials for the S3 Plugin on this occasion.
Creating own secret encrypted S3 environment variables for Buildkite
You will not get very far using my public bucket and its hard-coded STEPS_COUNT=12
. You have your own secrets. You have your own AWS account. You can create S3 buckets. You are ready.
If your S3 bucket contains a file env
or environment
in the root of the bucket, then it will be loaded into all Step scripts of all Pipelines.
If your S3 bucket contains a file my-fancy-pipeline/env
then this env
file will be loaded into all Steps of only the my-fancy-pipeline
Pipeline builds.
Here’s a sample command for creating a temporary local env
file, and uploading it to your AWS S3 bucket as an encrypted file.
cat > env <<SHELL
export STEPS_COUNT=14
aws s3 cp --acl private --sse aws:kms ./env "s3://<my-special-bucket-of-secrets>/env"
rm env
Your Agent host servers need the aws
CLI installed and configured with credentials to read from the S3 bucket.
This step is already done here on your local laptop. You will need to remember this when you start running remote worker servers. If you are running AWS EC2 Agent workers then you’ll get aws
authentication setup for free.
For other environments, some sample code to configure aws
can be found on my Linode StackScript for Buildkite.
AWS S3 Secrets Plugin is slow
I found the AWS S3 Secrets Buildkite Plugin solution above to be slow. It might add 10-60 seconds to each Step whilst it invokes aws s3
commands to pull down and decrypt files from S3 buckets. In the screenshot above, it took 39 seconds to fetch a few Secrets from the example AWS S3 bucket.
So, currently I’ve split my Secrets into two groups:
- Common secrets that I need for all Pipelines (such as Git SSH private keys, which are discussed later in the article) are stored on Agent host servers, and will be rotated by rebuilding those host servers.
- Secrets that are only required by some Steps (such as Cloud Foundry passwords during a deployment Step) are fetched on demand by Buildkite Plugins.
Fetching Buildkite Secrets only when you need them with AWS Secrets Manager and Buildkite Plugins
AWS provides a hosted Secrets Manager which is $0.40 USD per secret per month. There is a Buildkite Plugin that can fetch one or more secrets for a Step. Bingo, let’s do this.
In a moment I’ll explain the aws
commands to create or update Secrets.
First, here is the gist of how I retrieve a secret from AWS Secrets Manager using a community Buildkite Plugin and store it in an environment variable:
- label: ":cloudfoundry: deploy"
PASSWORD: arn:aws:secretsmanager:us-east-1:868593321044:secret:pipelines/pws/drnic/cf-password-dUL5fd
command: ./
USERNAME: [email protected]
In this example Step, the command
will be run and will be provided with two environment variables:
provided by the publicenv
section of the StepPASSWORD
provided by the AWS SecretsManager Buildkite Plugin written by Seek.
The AWS SM plugin runs aws secretsmanager get-secret-value
to fetch the arn:aws:secretsmanager:...
secret, and stores it in the environment variable PASSWORD
for all other plugins and the command:
I’ve now isolated this Secret to this Step only.
To create a new Secret within AWS SecretsManager try the following command:
aws secretsmanager create-secret --cli-auto-prompt
Triggering new builds for Buildkite Pipelines
We want “Continuous Integration” and “Continuous Delivery”. We don’t want to have to press “New Build” whenever we have new code or new pipeline changes to test.
Triggers and webhooks in Buildkite versus polling resources in Concourse Ci
Buildkite supports inbound triggers or webhooks to create new Builds when there are changes to the external resource (your Git repository).
Other systems like Concourse CI support outbound polling of external resources (such as your Git repository) to periodically detect if there are any changes.
There are different pros and cons to triggers/webhooks and to polling.
One pro for webhooks is you are immediately informed of new events, such as new commits. One con for webhooks is that you might not be able to register for webhooks for third-party resources, such as being informed of new commits on someone else’s Git repository or new GitHub Releases.
One pro for polling is the ability to monitor any resource to which you have visibility and to trigger builds, such as detecting new GitHub Releases in upstream dependencies. One con of polling is the need to run full-time watcher processes to continuously perform polling activities, and being rate limited by third-party APIs that may be unhappy with excessively asking “are we there yet?”
Can I setup a Github Webhook to watch someone else’s repository?
You cannot setup a GitHub Webhook to watch my repository.
This is not Buildkite’s fault. It is a limitation of GitHub.
Funny story: Someone asked the question “WebHooks from someone else’s repository? Is that possible?” I was very excited that it was a green-colored “Solved! Go to Solution.”

Alas, website does not have a red-colored resolution “That’s a hard No for you.”

I do not think the color green, the word “Solution” and the word “No, …” go together.
Setting up GitHub Webhooks for a new Buildkite Pipeline
To setup Github Webhooks you must now fork my repository. Visit the tutorial, click the “Fork” button at the top right, and choose your personal account.

You’ll be redirected to your own fork.
To create a new Buildkite Pipeline based on your new repository:
Scroll down to the README, find the “Add to Buildkite” button and click it to create a new Pipeline based on your own fork.

Give your new Pipeline the title “My Buildkite Tutorial Fork” and note that the “Git Repository” points to your fork, and not the read-only repository that you’ve been using earlier.
Click “Create Pipeline” and you’ll be taken to the “GitHub Webhook Setup” page. We now know that we can create a Webhook for a repository if we have appropriate permissions, so let’s do that now. Follow the detailed instructions. I’ll only make them longer if I write them up here.

Buildkite asks that you select “Deployments,” “Pushes,” and “Pull Requests.”

Scroll to the bottom, ensure the Webhook is “Active” and click “Add webhook”

Buildkite API will now receive requests from GitHub whenever you or other people push commits to your repository or forks of your repository. You can control what actually triggers a new Build from within Buildkite, which we will see soon.
Let’s automatically trigger a new Build on your repository by creating a new file directly within
On the home page of your forked repository, click “Create New File” and call the new file anything you like. Everytime you edit this file in GitHub it will trigger a Webhook event to Buildkite and trigger our Pipeline to create a new Build.

Scroll to the bottom and click “Commit new file”

Rush back over to the Buildkite Dashboard to see your new Pipeline has a new Build. At the bottom of the Build we see “Triggered from Webhook.” Well done.

Configuring when Buildkite starts new Builds from GitHub
When you visit the Pipeline Settings, one of the options on the left is GitHub. This page includes a subse
ction “GitHub Settings”.
The example below is from the Buildkite pipeline for which we drive the deployment of the blog software you are now reading.

There are three primary options for triggering Builds of your Pipeline:
- Trigger builds after pushing code
- Trigger builds on deployments
- Trigger builds on fork
- or, Disable all GitHub activity.
I am allowing Pipeline Builds to be run when commits are pushed to GitHub Pull Requests for the repository (the checkbox “Build Pull Requests”), and I have even allowed “Build pull requests from third-party forked repositories.” This means that if you submit a PR to the ghost-for-cloudfoundry repository then I will automatically run a Build.
I use a combination of techniques to protect my Buildkite account and its host workers from malicious attacks. See the pipeline and its sibling pipeline YAML files for more ideas. If you’re interested, leave a comment and I’ll write up more about this technique in future.
The checkbox “Update commit statuses” will feedback the real-time status of each Git commit’s Build status into the GitHub website. These are displayed in GitHub as green tickets, yellow circles, and red crosses.

I set “Show blocked builds in GitHub as” to “Pending”. In my solution to allowing unknown contributors to automatically trigger Builds, I block the Builds from doing destructive actions (like deploying the application to Cloud Foundry) until someone has had a chance to review the PR. The blocked Build will be reported back into a PR so the contributor knows that CI has not yet fulled passed.
Security and Pull Requests
Until you’ve considered the security implications of automatically triggering your Pipelines based on unsolicited and potentially malicious code from unknown people, please do not trigger Builds from third-party Pull Requests.
A healthy discussion and links to resources can be found in the Buildkite Feedback project.
Also, as suggested above, review the ideas we have implemented for the ghost-for-cloudfoundry repository.
Private Git repository access
So far you have been asking our Buildkite Agent to run git clone
to fetch public Git repositories – both my tutorial repo and then your fork. You did not need to set up any user credentials, special tokens, or SSH keys to clone a public repository. You are anonymous to the GitHub servers to fetch these public, free repositories. They don’t even serve ASCII advertisements in the output.
To allow your Buildkite Agents to clone you personal and organizations’ private repositories you will need to configure your Agents with authentication information so that your Git host can identify you and decide if you have permissions to clone the repository (authorization).
Different Git hosts might offer multiple methods, such as deployment keys, access tokens, and more. In this article, I’ll get you started with SSH private keys.
Private Git repository access over SSH
When your forked my tutorial repository and created a new Pipeline, it was based on the forked repository’s HTTPS URL. This repository is automatically public because you forked a public repository. You did not need to configure any Secrets to grant your Buildkite Agent permission to clone this public repository.

Your own private projects will have private repositories. Let’s switch to [email protected]
URL format and then investigate how to register a SSH private key to allow the Buildkite Agent to clone your private repositories.

When you run a “New Build,” the first Step of the Pipeline will fail to perform the initial git clone
with the error “Failed to find an SSH key in secret bucket”.

The Step did download all Secrets from the S3 Plugin bucket, but it did not find any files that contained private SSH keys that matched to those registered with GitHub (or your own Git host).
Buildkite documentation discusses Agent SSH Keys, and some options specifically for GitHub SSH Keys.
Since we have the S3 Secrets plugin, we can distribute our SSH key via our S3 bucket. Alternately, you would need to install the SSH private key into your Buildkite Agent’s host server some other way.
At Stark & Wayne we have a separate GitHub user @starkandwayne-bot
who is given the authority to clone our private repositories. We distribute it’s SSH private key to our Buildkite Agent host servers, which allows the Buildkite Agents to git clone [email protected]:starkandwayne/...
our private repositories.
Today we will use your own personal Git SSH key to allow you to git clone
your fork of the tutorial repo. To figure out which private key works with your target Git host, try ssh -vT [email protected]
$ ssh -vT [email protected]
debug1: Next authentication method: publickey
debug1: Offering public key: /Users/drnic/.ssh/id_rsa RSA SHA256:0J3A1VSw5let5tQ2L+xNW0OWG6GLL+k5MjZeeSLsUb8
debug1: Server accepts key: /Users/drnic/.ssh/id_rsa RSA SHA256:0J3A1VSw5let5tQ2L+xNW0OWG6GLL+k5MjZeeSLsUb8
debug1: Authentication succeeded (publickey).
Authenticated to ([2001:8004:11d0:4e2a::dec:e515]:22).
Hi drnic! You've successfully authenticated, but GitHub does not provide shell access.
My /Users/drnic/.ssh/id_rsa
private SSH key authenticates me as drnic
user on GitHub.
To upload this file to my S3 Secrets bucket for all Pipelines to use:
aws s3 cp --acl private --sse aws:kms \
/Users/drnic/.ssh/id_rsa \
When we re-run the Build, the first step now discovers the secret id_rsa_github
file, adds it to the Agent host machine’s ssh-agent, and uses the private SSH key to git clone [email protected]:...

In production, you may wish to create a dedicated “machine user” or “bot user” with their own SSH keys, and specific permissions about which projects they can clone, pull, and push. This will mean that any new commits are clearly marked as having been created by the Pipeline, rather than a human who did nothing except loan their SSH keys to the CI secrets bucket.
Docker Docker Docker, but first…
Grab a hot beverage. Relax.
Also, could you please post to your Twitter/Facebook/LinkedIn account about your thoughts of joy about Buildkite, and your accomplishment for proceding through this fabulous article on Buildkite. Write a blog post. Sketch a sonnet on the bark of the oldest tree in your local park? Perform an interpretive dance on TikTok?
It’s cool to celebrate shiny new things whilst you’re still learning them.
Where are my Buildkite Steps being executed?
We have not yet discussed where and how the commands/scripts executed. We should do that now. We can then have a subsequent discussion about where and how the commands/scripts should be executed.
You ran the Buildkite Agents on your laptop. The Pipelines all worked. What else is there to know?
To be fair, the Pipelines’ Steps haven’t really done any work yet. They were Bash scripts, and used Bash special variable $RANDOM
to generate a number between 1 and 10. The Buildkite Agent had access to some version of bash
The scripts used the buildkite-agent
CLI to set and get meta-data and to update the pipeline with new steps. The Buildkite Agent had access it its own buildkite-agent
What magical place contains /bin/bash
and buildkite-agent
? Your laptop.
As each of the Pipelines was being built, the individual Steps were allocated to Agents as Jobs to do. The Agent run command: ./path/to/some/
scripts and any STDOUT/STDERR was captured and made visible on the Buildkite dashboard.
So. Let’s ask some questions.
What if you needed to test a NodeJS project? Then your laptop would need to have NodeJS/NPM/Yarn installed.
What if you needed to interact with a remote API, to deploy to Kubernetes, Cloud Foundry, or Heroku? Then your laptop would need to have outbound network access to those systems. Your laptop would also need to have the secret credentials/tokens/passwords to authenticate with the remote APIs.
What if 17 different Pipelines all needed 17 different versions of NodeJS or Ruby or OpenJDK or Rust, and specific versions of other dependencies? Well…
What if a Pipeline doesn’t know what version of dependencies it needs in advance, but it cannot just wait until a human installs software? Well…
What if a Pipeline runs a Pull Request to one of your projects and it includes malicious code on your laptop? Well…
Well, well, well, indeed.
The path to solving Bring-Your-Own dependencies, and perhaps security, is to run Step commands inside Docker containers.
Should I run Buildkite Commands inside Docker?
You should not expect that the dependencies you require for your Pipelines are available nor that they have the correct version on the host server.
So, yes, you should run Buildkite commands inside Docker.
Or some other container system, like runc or containerd. Though at the time of writing there are no Buildkite Plugins for runc nor containerd.
You could write a runc or containerd plugin, or you could use either the:
Obviously, we will explore the two Docker plugins in this article.
Or, you could write a runc or containerd plugin. But we won’t do that. But you might.
Running Buildkite Commands inside Docker
Viewer alert: this section includes screenshots that contain deliberate errors and bright red colors for the benefit of your education.
To ask the Agent to run a Step inside Docker, we use the Docker plugin. Our “Show Environment” Pipeline YAML will look like this:
- label: ":ubuntu:"
command: ./src/
- docker#v3.5.0:
image: "ubuntu:latest"
propagate-environment: true
- label: ":ski: missing bash"
command: ./src/
- docker#v3.5.0:
image: "alpine:latest"
propagate-environment: true
In this example we now run the ./src/
command twice. Once inside an Ubuntu-based Docker container, and once inside an Alpine Linux-based Docker container.
Update the Pipeline Settings to run buildkite-agent pipeline upload .buildkite/
as per the Switching to next tutorial pipeline instructions, and run a New Build, giving it the name “Show Env Docker”.
The Ubuntu step succeeds. The output shows the uname -a
information, and shows that neither NodeJS nor Yarn are installed. NodeJS and Yarn might be installed on your laptop, but they are not installed inside containers spun up from the ubuntu:latest
Docker image.

Alas, the “Alpine – missing bash” Step fails.

What happened?

The error /bin/sh: ./src/ not found
is singularly unhelpful. It is misleading. That file is definitely there.
What is missing is /bin/bash
. The first line of ./src/
begins by asking to use /bin/bash
to process the remainder of the script. It is /bin/bash
that is not found.
The alpine:latest
Docker image does not come with bash
Propagating environment variables into Docker
The two Steps above were configured to pass through any Pipeline environment variables or Secrets into each Docker container with the propagate-environment: true
See the Docker Plugin “Configuration” section for other options for propagating only a selection of environment variables.
Using Meta-Data or Artifacts within Docker
To set and get Meta-Data, Artifacts, or to update the Pipeline itself, our Docker containers need the buildkite-agent
CLI, and the appropriate authentication tokens.
Fortunately it is easy with the mount-buildkite-agent: true
- label: ":ballot_box_with_ballot:"
command: ./src/
- docker#v3.5.0:
image: "ubuntu:latest"
propagate-environment: true
mount-buildkite-agent: true
This will pass the host machine’s buildkite-agent
CLI and Agent Access Token into the Docker container.
However, this only works when both the host machine and the Docker container are the same operating system platform (for example, based on Linux).
What happens if your host machine is macOS and you’re running Linux containers via Docker Daemon?
Buildkite Agent, Docker, and macOS
Docker has been a blessing for macOS users – a quick way to launch Linux OS processes. We should be able to continue running our Buildkite Agent on a macOS machine and feeding it Build jobs.
Let’s try bk local run
$ bk local run .buildkite/pipeline.pass-random-number-docker.yml
docker: Error response from daemon: Mounts denied:
The path /usr/local/bin/buildkite-agent
is not shared from OS X and is not known to Docker.
You can configure shared paths from Docker -> Preferences... -> File Sharing.
See for more info.
The same issue occurs when Buildkite dashboard delegates the Steps’ jobs to our running Agents:

This problem is two-fold:
- My
is installed at/usr/local/bin/buildkite-agent
but the path/usr/local/bin
is not configured to be shared with my Docker on Mac installation. - Even if I fix this, my macOS
binary is not designed to run inside a Linux Docker container. I would getExec format error
+ buildkite-agent meta-data get generated-number
./src/ line 14: /usr/bin/buildkite-agent: cannot execute binary file: Exec format error
This problem affects users on macOS/Windows who run Buildkite Agents locally, or run bk local run
, and want to use Docker-based plugins (which you should). The initial issue for this has been raised at
Running Buildkite Agent machines on Linode
At the time of writing, the Buildkite Agent host machine must be the same operating system platform as the Docker container environment (Linux). We need Linux host machines.
Also, about now you will also realize that new Builds triggered by Pull Requests and Git commits from other people will not be processed whilst your laptop is shut, or disconnected from the Internet.
You can cheaply run Linux-based Buildkite Agents on Linode, using either their web UI or CLI (see below).
Provisioning Buildkite Agents on Linodes using a StackScript
Navigate to my public StackScript for provisioning Buildkite Agent/Docker Daemon on a vanilla Alpine VM.

Click “Deploy New Linode” and populate the required fields, including your Buildkite Token.
At the time of writing, a 2 GiB Linode will be $10 per month in any region.

Once the Linode VM is created, the StackScript will install and run Docker Daemon and the latest Buildkite Agent. It also installs the Git CLI so the agent can clone repositories.
The Buildkite Agents page will update automatically as each Linode Buildkite Agent calls home.

You now have 7 agents – 5 Agent processes running on your single Linode, and the 2 Agent processes on your laptop.
Keep running your laptop Agents. We will soon look at Agent Targeting to run our Docker pipelines on our new Linux hosts.
Provisioning Buildkite Agents with Linode CLI
You can also use the linode
CLI to provision your Agent Linodes:
pip3 install linode-cli
export BUILDKITE_TOKEN="..."
linode-cli linodes create \
--stackscript_id 633367 \
--stackscript_data "{\"buildkite_token\": \"$BUILDKITE_TOKEN\", \"buildkite_spawn\": \"5\", \"buildkite_bootstrap_script_url\": \"\", \"buildkite_secrets_bucket\": \"$BUILDKITE_SECRETS_BUCKET\", \"aws_access_key\": \"$AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID\", \"aws_secret_password\": \"$AWS_ACCESS_SECRET_KEY\"}" \
--region us-west \
--type g6-standard-2 \
--image linode/alpine3.11 \
--tags buildkite-agent \
--label buildkite-agent-1 \
--root_pass <something-secret>
To terminate all Linodes running Buildkite Agents, first find their IDs and then delete:
$ linode-cli linodes list --tags buildkite-agent
│ id │ label │ region │ type │ image │ status │ ipv4 │
│ 19553029 │ buildkite-agent-1 │ us-west │ g6-standard-2 │ linode/alpine3.11 │ running │ │
$ linode-cli linodes delete 19553029
To destroy all your Linodes you can sprinkle in some jq
filtering to combine linode-cli
linode-cli linodes list --tags buildkite-agent --json | \
jq -r ".[].id" | \
xargs -L1 linode-cli linodes delete
Targeting Agents running on Linux host machines
Before we re-run our Pipeline we need to ensure it only tries to run the Steps on the Linux hosts, not on my macOS laptop.
We can configure Pipeline Steps to target a subset of Agents by filtering the tags. On the Agents page we can explore tag filter expressions. Try the following

We can use these tags to assign our Steps that require Docker and Buildkite Agent to os=linux
tagged hosts.
In our Pipeline YAML we can add the agents:
parameter to filter each Step to a subset of Agents:
- label: ":ballot_box_with_ballot:"
command: ./src/
os: linux
- docker#v3.5.0:
image: "starkandwayne/buildkite-base:latest"
propagate-environment: true
mount-buildkite-agent: true
Change the Pipeline Settings to run buildkite-agent pipeline upload .buildkite/pipeline.pass-random-number-docker-os-linux.yml
Our host machine operating system and our Docker operating system now match – they are both Linux.
We can now run a New Build of our Pipeline and confirm that our Linode-based running on Linux can use the Linux version of buildkite-agent
CLI to interact with the Meta-Data service.

Each Step documents the reasons that it was allocated to an Agent. Above we can see that the os=linux
and queue=default
tags were used to select one of the Linode-based Agents running on our Linode.
AWS S3 Secrets on Linode
My Linode StackScript conveniently allows you to specify an AWS S3 bucket, and its API credentials, to fetch env
environment secrets.

Install additional dependencies on Linode
You can optionally configure or install dependencies on your Buildkite Agent Linode by providing a URL to a script that will be run once during boot, just before the Buildkite Agent is started.

Install Rancher k3s Kubernetes on each Linode
If you wish to have standalone Kubernetes available on each Buildkite Agent host, then try installing Rancher’s k3s at boot time.
Provide the URL into the field above, and it will download, install, and make k3s Kubernetes available to your Buildkite Agent.

Pipeline Artifacts
We used Buildkite Meta-Data feature to pass small pieces of Meta-Data between Steps in a Pipeline Build. Values larger than 1 kilobyte are discouraged and we’re asked to use Artifacts instead. Whereas Meta-Data is text data, Artifacts are files.
There are two ways to store Artifacts files:
- Steps can include
with an array of globs to files that might exist. - Run
buildkite-agent artifact upload
from within a command.
I personally prefer to declare the artifacts to be provided across a Pipeline Steps in the YAML. See an example in and below:
- label: ":camera_with_flash:"
command: "ls -al images/*.png"
- "./images/*.png"
key: upload
- label: ":package:"
command: "./src/"
depends_on: upload
To consume one or more artifacts in a subsequent step run buildkite-agent artifact download path/to/things/* path/to/store/them/
, which is being performed by
The result of the first step is to upload the images in the images/
folder of the Tutorial repository. We can view each on, or download them, from the browser.

These artifacts are now available for download into subsequent steps.

Storing Artifacts in JFrog Artifactory, AWS S3, or Google Cloud
Buildkite will conveniently store your Artifacts in its own storage service at no extra cost, even for the Free Plan.
If you want to expose Artifacts to the world beyond your Buildkite pipelines, then you might wish to publish some Artifacts to your own JFrog Artifactory, AWS S3 or Google Cloud buckets.
The bk local run
command also supports free local Artifacts, as well as remote Artifacts via Plugins.
Create own Docker Images
Now that your Step commands are running inside Docker containers, you will want to curate a set of Docker images that contain the dependencies you need for your pipelines.
At one end of the spectrum you could curate one Docker image for every distinct Step with only the dependencies required for that Step. But that will quickly become unwieldy to create and maintain, and you will have many duplicate images.
At the other end of the spectrum, you can create a single Docker image with all the dependencies your organization uses across all its Pipeline steps.
Somewhere in the middle of the spectrum, you can create a common base Docker image, and then create variations for specific programming languages, or other use cases.
How to build and push a Docker image
To build and tag a Docker image, and then push that image to the remote Docker Hub repository you would run the following commands:
docker build . -t myorg/myimage:latest
docker push myorg/myimage:latest
We want a Buildkite Step to run these two commands.
I am going to explain three different variations of a Buildkite step that can run these two docker
Running Docker commands on the host machine
In the first example, we ask the Agent to run docker build
and docker push
. If we know our Agent host server is running Docker Daemon, then we also know it has the docker
CLI available.
- label: ":docker:"
- "docker build . -t myorg/myimage:latest"
- "docker push myorg/myimage:latest"
In this first example, we assume that the host worker server has already had docker login
invoked with a user who is authorized to push myorg/myimage
Login to Docker registry
If you need to perform docker login
user authentication, you can add the docker-login
Buildkite plugin to the step.
- label: ":docker:"
- "docker build . -t myorg/myimage:latest"
- "docker push myorg/myimage:latest"
- docker-login#v2.0.1:
username: drnic
The username drnic
for the Registry is provided in the Pipeline YAML above.
The password for the Registry is provided via an environment variable $DOCKER_LOGIN_PASSWORD
. See the section Secrets about to learn more about configuring the Agent with secret environment variables.
By default, the Docker Login plugin authenticates with Docker Hub registry. Provide the server:
parameter for alternate public or private registries.
Run Docker commands inside Docker containers
Finally, you can run docker
commands inside a Docker container.
- label: ":docker:"
- "docker build . -t myorg/myimage:latest"
- "docker push myorg/myimage:latest"
- docker-login#v2.0.1:
username: myusername
- docker#v3.5.0:
image: "docker:latest"
always-pull: true
- "/var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock"
- "/home/buildkite/.docker/config.json:/root/.docker/config.json"
The docker-login
plugin runs on the host server to perform docker login
against that server’s Docker Daemon and the Agent’s user’s ~/.docker/config.json
The last line of the YAML above passes through the host server’s ~/.docker/config.json
into the Docker container, thus allowing that Docker container to perform the docker push
command as an authenticated user.
Security implications of mounting /var/run/docker.sock
This last YAML example is longer, but theoretically adds slightly more security around the commands being run. Except, not really.
I don’t actually think this last “docker inside docker” option is substantially more secure than the preceding options, and I don’t think I will bother with it myself.
We’re passing the host machine’s /var/run/docker.sock
into the Docker container. A bad actor can now run new containers, can access other containers or volumes on the host machine, and can probably easily escalate their privileges to access the full host server.
Until someone can educate me of a safer path, do not automatically allow non-trusted commits or Pull Requests to trigger docker push
or similar scenarios where you have exposed access to the host server or /var/run/docker.sock
Place a block
in the Pipeline to prevent it from automatically running potentially malicious code that has access to /var/run/docker.sock
. A human can verify the new code is safe before freeing the Pipeline to continue.
Buildkite Sockguard
On my TODO list is to investigate as a progressive solution to improving Docker security. It offers a proxy for /var/run/docker.sock
that enforces access control and isolated privileges.
Elastic On-Demand Clusters of Buildkite Agents with AWS
The volume of work to be performed by your Buildkite Agents will change throughout the day. At night time you have have no Pipeline’s being built, or at least substantially less or sporadically at best. It may be desirable to elastically scale up and down your cluster of Buildkite Agent host servers.
The Buildkite team have published an AWS CloudFormation stack that does everything you’ll need to run a fleet of elastic scaling Agent servers.
Launching the AWS stack for Elastic Buildkite Agents
Under Getting Started click Launch Stack, and populate the following subset of fields:
- BuildkiteAgentToken – Reveal your Agent token on the right-hand side of the Agents page.
- BuildkiteAgentTags – Additional tags you’d like to use, such as
. - InstanceType – As an example instance type, try the General Purpose Burstable “t2.small” with 1 vCPU, 2GiB for each VM. 1 x t2.small, 8 hours a day, will cost around $6 per month in the cheaper AWS regions.
- AgentsPerInstance – 5 and you can adjust this up or down with the InstanceType, and based on the performance of your Pipelines (if they are CPU intensive then have fewer AgentsPerInstance, or a higher CPU InstanceType).
- SecretsBucket – Use your Secrets AWS S3 bucket from earlier in the article.
- ScaleUpAdjustment – “1” – adjust your auto-scaling group later if you need it to scale up in larger groups
- EnableExperimentalLambdaBasedAutoscaling – “true” – let’s live a little and assume that a Lambda-based autoscaling system will be more dynamic and more awesome than standard AWS AutoScaling; it will be the default option in future.
Continue though the pages and press the Create Stack button.
AWS will create a VPC, an Auto-Scaling Group, and much more.
But it will not immediately provision any AWS EC2 instances running the Buildkite Agent. AWS will wait for Buildkite to tell it that it needs more VMs.
Create demand for Elastic EC2 Agents
Right now we have 7 agents – 5 running on Linode, and 2 running on your laptop. There will not be a need to provision additional EC2 instances until we create demand for them.
Reconfigure your Pipeline Settings:
- Run the Dynamic Steps pipeline
buildkite-agent pipeline upload .buildkite/pipeline.dynamic-steps-from-env-var.yml
- Configure the Environment Variable
or add it to your s3 Secrets bucket’senv
Launch a “New Build”. Whilst the existing Agents will attempt to process all the work, Buildkite will make a mayday call to the AWS Auto-Scaling Group to ask for temporary additional infrastructure.

Once they are spun up, 15 new Agents will register with Buildkite.

The AWS EC2 instances will be destroyed at the end of their billing hour if they do not have any further work to perform.
Updating the Buildkite Elastic CI configuration
You can Update your CloudFormation Stack later, and it will recreate any EC2 instances if necessary.
Autoscaling EC2 with large parallel Pipelines
If we run a Pipeline that has many parallel steps, the AWS EC2 Auto-Scaling Group will grow the cluster of EC2 instances. Consider our Dynamic Pipeline example with 12 parallel steps, and the 5 Agents per EC2 instance configuration above, we should see 3 EC2 instances provisioned to provide 15 Agents.

Unused EC2 instances will be destroyed just before the end of the hour billing cycle.
Polling External Dependencies
Buildkite Pipelines are centric to a single remote Git repository, and Buildkite natively supports triggering new Builds of the Pipeline based on incoming remote Git-related events, such as new commits, pull requests, new forks, etc.
Your project will use many other dependencies aside from its own Git repository – programming languages, system dependencies, and programming libraries – but Buildkite does not have native support to trigger new Builds upon the event of an upstream dependency changing.
Buildkite does have some tools that could help:
- Scheduled Builds to trigger a Pipeline each minute, hour, or day, etc
- Pipelines can trigger other Pipelines to commence a Build
- Use of third-party services like Snyk to generate Pull Requests to be made aware of updates for upstream dependencies.
Scheduled Builds
Buildkite offers a convenient cron-based scheduler to t
rigger new Builds. You could use a Scheduled Build to run a script that polls for a remote resource.
To add an hourly scheduled Build for our tutorial pipeline visit the Settings > Schedules page.

Click “New Schedule”
Now you will immediately recall that you don’t remember how to configure a Cron schedule.
Fortunately Crontab Guru has you covered. “At minute 0 past every hour.” “At 06:00 on every day-of-month.” Try random ideas until the English text matches what you need. There might be another approach to Cron configuration, but I cannot find it – I’m too busy being resentful that Cron configuration is still a thing.
Let’s try an “At every 10th minute.” schedule rather than waiting until midnight to watch scheduled builds in action.

You can provide special environment variables for your Scheduled Builds, which might allow you to indicate that it is a Scheduled Build and to run or not run some subset of your test suite.
Now you wait until the turn of the “Every 10th minute” to see your pipeline run automatically.
Our next Build will be annotated with “Triggered from Pipeline Schedule”.

You could use Scheduled Builds on Pipelines dedicated to monitoring upstream dependencies against the versions you are currently using.
If you find a new version you could trigger your main Pipeline, where your downstream Pipeline will pick up and use the new version.
Triggering another Buildkite Pipeline
Buildkite offers a Trigger Step for your Pipeline YAML to creates a Build on another Pipeline.
Remotely Triggering a Pipeline Build
Buildkite offers a rich API, which includes the ability to Create a Build on your Pipeline.
You could write an application that watches for upstream resources, detects new versions, and then triggers Buildkite to Create a Build upon your Pipelines.
To demonstrate this API endpoint we need to:
- Create an API Access Token
- Scope the token to only access your Organization, and the the “Modify Builds” scope. In the image below, I threw in “Read Builds” for good measure.

Try to never add too many scopes to your API Tokens for any API, you never know if/when the token may leak into the hands of a wrong-doer.
You will be shown your API Access Token once. Store in somewhere. If you lose it, delete the API Access Token can create a new one.
We can use the curl
command to trigger a new Build:
BUILDKITE_TOKEN_CREATE_BUILDS="<the value I was shown>"
curl -H "Authorization: Bearer ${BUILDKITE_TOKEN_CREATE_BUILDS}" \
"" \
-d '{"commit": "HEAD", "branch": "master", "message": "If curl can trigger a Build, anything can"}'

The Build summary shows “Triggered from API” to indicate the reason for this Build.
Docker Compose
The most popular Buildkite plugin is for Docker Compose. It’s README is very thorough and I’m not yet sure how to add more value than ask you to read it.
The plugin allows you to build, run, and push build steps using Docker Compose.
- Containers are built, run and linked on demand using Docker Compose
- Containers are namespaced to each build job, and cleaned up after use
- Supports pre-building of images, allowing for fast parallel builds across distributed agents
- Supports pushing tagged images to a repository
To run our ./src/
script using Docker Compose would require us to pass a volume through into the container:
- label: ":ubuntu:"
command: /app/src/
- docker-compose#v3.2.0:
run: app
- "./src:/app/src"
When this Step runs we see the docker-compose
command in the output:

Deploying applications
Many application developers will come to Buildkite for the testing, and will stay for the deployment automation. Buildkite does not have a preferred target for your deployments, you script your deployment to your target platform on your target infrastructure.
In this section we’ll look at some topics associated with deploying code into production, plus a look at deploying applications to Cloud Foundry and Kubernetes platforms.
How to only run a Buildkite Step on master branch
By default, a webhook for your Pipeline will trigger new Pipeline Builds for Git commits to any branch. It is possible too to trigger Pipeline Builds from different branches on a fork of your repository (thanks to Pull Requests).
You do not want to deploy all these branches into production.
If you want to isolate your “deploy” Step to only trigger on commits to the master
branch, your command
Step can include the if:
- label: "🔨"
command: "./scripts/tests"
- wait
- label: "🚀"
command: "./scripts/deploy"
if: build.branch == 'master'
How to limit to one deployment at a time
You can restrict a command
Step to only allow one invocation to run at a time with the concurrency: 1
and concurrency_group:
- label: "🚀"
command: "./scripts/deploy"
if: build.branch == 'master'
concurrency: 1
concurrency_group: "production-app-deploy"
Generally speaking, set concurrency
and concurrency_group
when updating mutable state, such as your deployed application. These settings ensures only one step runs at a time.
Buildkite plugin to Deploy applications to Cloud Foundry
At Stark & Wayne we advocate the use of Cloud Foundry for your Cloud Native applications during development and production.
We’ve working on a Buildkite plugin to deploy your repository to any Cloud Foundry.
- label: "🚀"
concurrency: 1
concurrency_group: "cf/production"
- starkandwayne/cloudfoundry-deploy#v0.5.0:
api: ""
username: "[email protected]"
organization: "starkandwayne"
space: "buildkite-demo-app"

Deploy to Kubernetes
Preparing for deployment to Kubernetes is more involved than can fit in this article, and the Buildkite documentation includes a 30-minute stand-alone tutorial for building Docker images and deploying to Kubernetes.
Deploy BOSH releases using Buildkite
We have had success using Buildkite to deploy systems to Cloud Foundry BOSH. In fact, we run a fleet of Buildkite Agents into our own vSphere cluster using BOSH using our buildkite-agent-boshrelease project and the corresponding genesis kit. If you’re a BOSH user and want more information, please let us know in the comments below.
Annotate each Build with information
If your tests fail, how can you summarize the errors at the top of the Build so they are easy to find? If your deployment succeeds, how can you publish the URL and some information about the deployment? How can you add memes and animated GIFs to your Builds? All this and more is available with buildkite-agent annotate
In the example below, we automatically deployed a private branch of our site. We used annotations to display the branch’s own URL so anyone can quickly find the URL for this branch’s deployment.

The first “info” annotation is created with buildkite-agent annotate --style info
, and the bland second annotation is created without the --style
These two annotations are published from the cloudfoundry-deploy-buildkite-plugin if deployment was successful. See the bottom of the hooks/command
script for the examples.
Owning and operating Buildkite Agent host servers
By the end of this article you may have a Linode running Buildkite Agents, plus some EC2 instances, and I even mentioned using BOSH to deploy a fleet of Buildkite Agents. Eventually you’ll ask the question, “Can I use Buildkite to deploy my Buildkite Agent host servers?”
Of course you can! Buildkite can script anything.
Except you will need two independent sets of Buildkite Agents.
If you use a Buildkite Agent to run a job that turns around and updates or restarts all your Buildkite Agents, then your job will be killed when the Agent is restarted. Your Pipeline Build will look like it failed; but really you accidentally restarted the Agent that was busy running that Pipeline Build’s jobs.
The solution is to have a second, independent Buildkite Agent whose primary role is to run the Buildkite pipeline builds that update your main Buildkite Agents.
If our collection of Stark & Wayne agents we have one special Agent called “meta”.

The Pipeline that deploys and scales our Buildkite Agent fleet is configured to use this single independent “meta” agent in its Agent Targeting Rules.

There is a lot to like about Buildkite, and a couple of features I missed from other CI/CD systems.
I prefer their security model for an organization to run their own secure Agent worker servers, without sharing secrets nor code with the central Buildkite service.
I like the instantaneous triggering of Pipelines from events triggered by GitHub or similar, rather than waiting 1 minute or longer until my CI system has polled for new commits.
I like that I can deploy bare Alpine or Ubuntu host machines that only have Docker, Buildkite Agent, and some plugins installed. I believe Application teams should curate their own Docker images containing their own dependencies, rather than expect another “Buildkite team” to curate host machines filled with dependencies.
I wrote a Linode StackScript and found it was relatively easy to bring Buildkite Agent, Docker, and my selection of plugins to a new Cloud Provider.
I also liked the Buildkite Elastic CI for AWS CloudFormation which shuts down my AWS EC2 instances when there are no active Pipeline Builds at the end of a billing hour.
Distributing secrets via an S3 bucket seemed a reasonable solution, and one that could be easily adopted by most users. If an organization was already running Hashicorp Vault, or using their Cloud Provider Secret Service, then they might directly interact with those services to pull out secrets as needed.
The Buildkite Dashboard was very responsive and I always felt it was up to date; that events were being pushed all the way through to my browser in real time.
What I miss from five years working with Concourse CI is the ability to watch 3rd party resources, such as GitHub Releases or S3 buckets, and trigger my Pipelines when those resources publish new versions. A lot of our existing Stark & Wayne pipelines use this feature of Concourse CI to continuously upgrade and test our software and production systems when new upstream dependencies are available. I may need to build a service that allows you to register webhooks for other people’s resources, and not just Git-based resources.