Has it really been under your nose all along?

Photo by sydney Rae on Unsplash
Ever try to find a really simple Windows app to test against Cloud Foundry Windows Cells?
Sometimes the most obvious answer is right under your nose. Inside of the cf-smoke-tests
are the tests used by Cloud Foundry to test for both cflinuxfs3
and windows
stacks which are safe to run against production.
In general the tests work by creating a test org, space, and quota, pushes an app, scales it, retrieve logs and finally tear it all back down. There are tests for both the cflinuxfs3
and windows
however cf-deployment
only includes the errand for cflinuxfs3
by default.
What all this means is there is a simple Windows Cloud Foundry app inside of the smoke tests, here is how you use it:
git clone https://github.com/cloudfoundry/cf-smoke-tests.git
cd cf-smoke-tests/assets/dotnet_simple/Published
cf push imarealwindowsapp -s windows -b hwc_buildpack
In the example above we clone the repo and push an app called imarealwindowsapp
, feel free to use whatever name you’d like. To get the url of the app once it is deployed, run the following command and note the routes:
$ cf app imarealwindowsapp
Showing health and status for app imarealwindowsapp in org system / space ops as admin...
name: imarealwindowsapp
requested state: started
routes: imarealwindowsapp.apps.codex.starkandwayne.com
last uploaded: Wed 27 Apr 17:05:55 UTC 2022
stack: windows
buildpacks: hwc
type: web
instances: 1/1
memory usage: 1024M
state since cpu memory disk details
#0 running 2022-04-27T17:07:00Z 0.1% 100.5M of 1G 44.8M of 1G
To test whether or not it was successful, you can curl the endpoint adding https://
to the routes:
value from the last command output:
$ curl https://imarealwindowsapp.apps.codex.starkandwayne.com -k
It just needed to be restarted!
My application metadata: {"application_id":"b55b34e2-c434-4782-b44e-3f9f469dd70c","application_name":"imarealwindowsapp","application_uris":["imarealwindowsapp.apps.codex.starkandwayne.com"],"application_version":"1bd0703a-4f13-45c8-86cb-0632db5cd6bd","cf_api":"https://api.system.codex.starkandwayne.com","host":"","instance_id":"f56eaa45-cad2-4ab8-6e75-1ea9","instance_index":0,"limits":{"disk":1024,"fds":16384,"mem":1024},"name":"imarealwindowsapp","organization_id":"d396b0c6-872f-46a2-a752-bdea51819c06","organization_name":"system","port":8080,"process_id":"b55b34e2-c434-4782-b44e-3f9f469dd70c","process_type":"web","space_id":"4e081328-2ac1-4509-8f51-ffcbfc012165","space_name":"ops","uris":["imarealwindowsapp.apps.codex.starkandwayne.com"],"version":"1bd0703a-4f13-45c8-86cb-0632db5cd6bd"}
My port: 8080
My instance index: 0
My custom env variable:
Finally, if you look at the logs you’ll see that the app emits a timestamp tick every second, which is what the smoke tests look for to validate logging is working:
$ cf logs imarealwindowsapp
Retrieving logs for app imarealwindowsapp in org system / space ops as admin...
2022-04-27T17:11:15.44+0000 [APP/PROC/WEB/0] OUT Tick: 1651079475
2022-04-27T17:11:16.45+0000 [APP/PROC/WEB/0] OUT Tick: 1651079476
2022-04-27T17:11:17.46+0000 [APP/PROC/WEB/0] OUT Tick: 1651079477
2022-04-27T17:11:18.47+0000 [APP/PROC/WEB/0] OUT Tick: 1651079478
2022-04-27T17:11:19.47+0000 [APP/PROC/WEB/0] OUT Tick: 1651079479
If you are curious on how to use this in a bosh errand to run the complete Cloud Foundry Windows Smoke Tests, be sure to visit https://www.starkandwayne.com/blog/adding-windows-smoke-tests-to-cloud-foundry/